Assertiveness Skills Training


Course Overview

Fact: 7 out of 10 staff members lack assertiveness skills in order to carry out their daily duties effectively.

We all have moments of self-doubt, where we feel like we cannot do anything right and that the world would likely be a better place if we just disappeared. But for many people, doubting is constant. They worry about how they look to others, how their behaviour is interpreted, what will happen if they say no, and what people will think if they stand up for themselves. This constant, destructive cycle of worry and stress is debilitating and harmful.

During this workshop, you will learn how to turn the destructive cycle of low self-esteem around. Learn how to make a positive first impression, connect with people, identify distorted thoughts, and turn negative thinking into positive thinking. This workshop won’t kill that inner critic, but it will help you get some control over it.

Building your self-esteem is essential for confidence and success, and it all begins with you. Of all the judgments you make it life, none is as important as the one you make about yourself. Without some measure of self-worth, life can be enormously painful. Take the time to invest in yourself and your self-worth, and the payoff will be immense.

This workshop includes dynamic trainee/trainer interactions and discussions, written and oral exercises, voice recordings, case studies, reflection, quizzes and a workbook for each participant to take back to the workplace.

Target Audience

All individuals and professionals who would like to improve their overall effectiveness at
work by improving their assertiveness skills.

Course Outline

SECTION 1: Building your Self-Esteem
SECTION 2: Impressions
Putting Others at Ease
Positive First Impressions
SECTION 3: Increasing our Self Esteem
Building it Up
Tearing it Down
SECTION 4: Self Confidence
Increasing your Confidence
SECTION 5: Assertiveness
What is assertiveness
How assertive are you?
SECTION 6: The 4 Communication Styles
Q1: Aggressive Communication Style
Q2: Passive-Aggressive Communication Style
Q3: Passive Communication Style
Q4: Assertive Communication Style
SECTION 7: The Ladder of Inference and Mental Models
Where do our beliefs come from?
Why is it difficult to be Assertive?
SECTION 8: Changing our Beliefs
SECTION 9: Ten ways to be Assertive
SECTION 10: The Language of Assertiveness
SECTION 11: Assertive Communication 
Listening Skills
Are you a good Listener?
Asking Questions
SECTION 12: Assertive Anger 

Contact Details
Contact Person:
Rachel Johnson
Contact Email:
rachel [at]
Course Details
Course Duration:
1 Day
Course Delivery Method:

E-learning E-learning

Blended Blended

In Class In Class

Distance Distance

Presented Presented Courses

In House In-House

On Demand On Demand

R2,595 ex vat (contact us for our excellent on-site, Google Meet and e-learning rates)




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