Conflict Management Training - Durban
Conflict Management Training
Through this Conflict Management Training, and Conflict Resolution Training - which we run publicly and in-house throughout South Africa - you will gain understanding of the main causes of conflict, and how to manage conflict in your personal life and in your workplace.
Suitable for: Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Shop Stewards
Course duration: 2 days
NQF level: 5
Course content and outcomes:
Through this Conflict Management Training Course, delegates will learn:
- The nature of conflict: Internal vs external conflict
- Types of conflict: Inter-personal: Intra-personal; Inter-group; Intra-group
- Constructive vs destructive conflict
- The main causes of individual conflict & how to manage it effectively
- The main causes of conflict within teams & how to manage them
- How high performance teams handle conflict
- Understanding the main conflict styles
- Understanding what your natural conflict style is
- Developing the ability to choose the best conflict style to fit the situation
- Leadership styles - how they are affected by conflict styles
- The attributes needed to become an effective “conflict manager”
- Legislated procedures for the resolution of workplace disputes
Click here to view our Conflict Management Training Courses on our website
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