Distance learning offers students, on an individual basis, access to learning and the opportunity to obtain a recognised qualification although the source of the qualification and the learners may be separated by distance and time.
A distance delivery mode provides the necessary flexibility for learning even if students are not physically present in a traditional classroom setting and is ideal for working students with time limitations or where family responsibilities prevent students from leaving their place of residence.
A qualification of choice might also not be available from a local educational institution. Distance learning offers an alternative for students who prefer to study independently at their own pace without classroom interaction or for those who find distance learning more convenient and accommodating due to physical challenges. Compared to classroom based tuition, distance learning is mostly more affordable as enrolment fees and travelling expenses are not incurred.
Distance learning can however be challenging although new developments in teaching methods and technologies have enhanced the ways in which we are able to deliver teaching. MyMilpark, Milpark Business School?s new interactive online learning environment, will positively impact distance learners with courses designed with more content and functionality and easy access to learning resources as well as individual student email addresses. Additional information and self assessment tasks are now included as part of the course material and the learning experience is supported by workshops, forums or tutor contact made telephonically, via email or online.
Regardless of mode of delivery, the student is the principal player in the teaching-learning transaction and it is paramount that the student takes control of the learning experience with a clear understanding of the inherent lifestyle challenges that will have to be faced while studying. Supportive employees, family members and friends play an important role and time management is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, balancing studies and relaxing activities. Very few people study in exactly the same manner but certain study techniques have been shown to produce good results and are central to being thoroughly prepared for formative and summative assessments.
Distance learning seems to require special organisational and administrative arrangements in order to ensure a successful learning experience. Choose the provider most suited to your needs to support you on your learning journey.
Read more about distance learning on the Milpark Student Blog