ETDP Seta prepares for ETD Practitioner development


Increasing the number of skilled South Africans requires skilled education
and training practitioners to deliver the training and conduct assessments.
But do we have enough trained trainers? IPD's Mark Orpen tells us that his
company is working with the ETDP Seta to conduct an industry-wide gap



Registering qualified and practicing educators in Dept. of Education (DoE)
Schools, FET Colleges and HE Universities is integral to the design of the quality
assurance systems of both UMALUSI and the HEQC who oversee the quality of
learning through such institutions.
ETQAs required assessors and moderators (in some cases also SDFs) to be
registered to quality assure the standard of assessment practices whilst leaving
the wider field of occupationally directed education, training and development (OD-
ETD) practices to seek its own legitimacy and professional status.
Adult educators and workplace trainers (ETD Practitioners) employed in the
private sector continue the struggle for survival in an over traded and mostly
under resourced ETD environment; with little structured support to improve their
own ETD practice.
Qualifications, standards and a curriculum in OD-ETD Practices emerged and
evolved over the past eight years to guide the field, with some accredited
training institutions offering learning, recognition of prior learning, and
continuous professional development programmes for these ETD Practitioners.

Scarce and critical skills research recently conducted by the ETDP SETA
reported more that 50% of scarce skills needs at private training providers being
related to occupationally-directed education, training and development (OD-ETD)
competence; now defined in one curriculum to guide the field of practice.
Similar OD-ETDP skills needs amongst adult educators in Public FET Colleges,
were reported.

The ETDP SETA in partnership with the Institute of People Development is
now researching and compiling a gap analysis report on the competence of all
ETD practitioners in the sector; mapped against each curriculum role,
qualification level and the related unit standards.
This report will quantify and qualify who in the sector is eligible for RPL
toward a qualification in OD-ETD practices, and what specific training and
development opportunities should be made available to assist these
practitioners to improve their practice.
The free online assessment is now live and may be accessed at:
href=" ">




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