Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Blade Nzimande, invites the public and other interested parties to nominate people to be considered for appointment to the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Board.
In terms of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Act, the NSFAS Board must consist of 18 members, 13 of which must be appointed by the Minister, including the Chairperson, four co-opted by the board and one of whom must be selected by the Executive Officer of the NSFAS.
Each member of the board will remain in office for four years, and allowances will be in accordance with the National Treasury guidelines for remuneration.
The NSFAS board is a statutory body founded with the goal of distributing funds to eligible higher education students for loans and bursaries.
The NSFAS develops criteria and conditions in consultation with the Minister for the granting of loans and bursaries to eligible students, raising additional funds, recovering loans, maintaining and analysing the database and undertaking research for the better utilisation of financial resources.
Also, the scheme advises the Minister on matters relating to student financial aid.
Are you interested or know of someone who is? If so, visit www.dhet.gov.za to access the published Government Gazette 43525 dated 15 July 2020.
Nominations must be accompanied by the curriculum vitae of the nominee as well as a letter of consent indicating the availability of the nominee to serve on the NSFAS Board if appointed.
These documents should be forwarded to The Director-General: Higher Education and Training for the attention Dr D Parker: Deputy Director-General, University Education at Private Bag X 174, Pretoria, 0001 or email: [email protected]
Nominations for NSFAS board open - Apply here
Thursday, 6 August, 2020 - 14:08
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