SASSA Payment Dates For July


If you're a SASSA beneficiary, then it's always good to know which dates SASSA makes payments. These are the payment dates for the month of July. 



If you're a SASSA beneficiary, then it's always good to know which dates SASSA makes payments. These are the payment dates for the month of July. 
The first grants for July will be paid out on the 6th and the last few grants will be paid out on the 8th of July. 

Older person’s grants: Tuesday 6 July
Disability allowance: Wednesday 7 July
Foster Care Grants 8 July 2021
Care Dependency Grants 8 July 2021
Child Support Grants 8 July 2021

SASSA has encouraged all beneficiaries to not rush to collect their payments on the same day, as this causes long lines and overcrowding. 
"There is no need to rush to withdraw cash on the first day. Once the money is in the account, it will remain there until it is needed."
Beneficiaries of the R350 grant who are still waiting for their payments will receive a text message from SASSA informing them of their payment date.
SASSA has warned that unlike the permanent grants, the R350 grant is temporary and does not have a set payment date. 
"There is no set date for R350 SRD payments. We will back-date all the months due to you”
Appeals for the R350 grant closed on 30 May, and SASSA is in the process of reviewing applications. Outcomes of the appeals process will be shared soon with applicants. 
"If you have successfully lodged an appeal for the special Covid-19 SRD grant, your application will be reconsidered and you will be notified of the outcome thereof. Successful appeals will be paid for applicable months. An SMS notification will be sent to you in due course directing you what to do next."




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