What documents do I need to register my uFiling account?
Tuesday, 27 October, 2020 - 13:10
To register for uFiling, visit the website and fill out the form https://www.ufiling.co.za/uif/register
Depending on your profession, you’ll need to provide copies of these documents:
For Domestic Employers
- A UIF registration number,
- A valid 13 Digit bar-coded RSA identity number,
- A valid e-mail address, and
- Your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.
For Commercial Employers
- A valid UIF registration number,
- A valid RSA identity number or passport number,
- A valid e-mail address,
- Your company's official registration name and details as provided by the Registrar of Companies which is the CK1 form for CC's and CM1 or CM3 for Proprietary Limited companies, and
- Your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.
For Practitioners
- Valid UIF registration numbers for Domestic or Employers as above,
- your valid 13 Digit bar-coded RSA identity number or passport number,
- a valid e-mail address,
- Your company's official registration name and details as provided by the Registrar of Companies which is the CK1 form for CC's and CM1 or CM3 for Proprietary Limited companies, and
- Your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.
For Foreign Domestic Employers
- Your valid UIF registration number,
- passport number,
- a valid e-mail address, and
- your banking account details from which you will pay your UIF contributions.
For Applicants
- Your valid ID Number,
- a valid e-mail address, and
- your banking account details to which payment of benefits will be made.
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