Basic Income Grant


Millions of vulnerable people in South Africa need financial support from the government. The President announced that efforts are underway to introduce a basic income grant to address this need.

With cost of living increasing, and unemployment being a major concern, an estimated 8-million South Africans are left jobless and unable to afford their most basic needs. As a result, one political party has proposed a significant increase to the basic income grant. 

South Africa has high levels of inequality, with millions of people struggling to put food on the table and make ends meet. Many experts have been engaging in talks about implementing a Universal Basic Income Grant as a means of putting an end to poverty in the country. 


With the R350 grant expected to end in March 2024, calls for the implementation of a Basic Income Support grant have intensified. Several civil society groups have urged government to prioritise making this grant permanent.

The Department of Social Development says progress is being made on the implementation of the highly anticipated Basic Income Grant. The social grant will provide financial relief to millions of deserving South Africans seeking government assistance. 

Approximately 33.9% of South Africa’s working-age population is unemployed. This means that a considerable portion of the population is unable to meet basic needs and requires financial assistance to survive.


South Africa’s leaders have revealed that the government is working to find a sustainable solution which would enable the introduction of a Basic Income Grant (BIG). The grant would support the country’s most vulnerable citizens.

Advocacy group, The Black Sash, is calling for government to implement the Basic Income grant as soon as possible. 




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