Old Persons Grant Sassa Dates For August 2024


We are now in the month of August and knowing when to collect your Sassa grant is crucial. Stay informed about the upcoming payment schedule to ensure you receive your financial assistance on time. 



Millions of South Africans rely on social grants provided by the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) to make ends meet. With us now being in the month of August, beneficiaries are eager to know when they can expect their Sassa payments.

The Older Persons Grant, also known as the Sassa pension, provides financial support to South Africans aged 60 and over who are no longer able to work.

When Will Old Age SASSA Grants Be Paid in August?

SASSA typically disburses permanent social grants during the first week of each month, starting on the second working day. It's important to note that payments aren't made on weekends or public holidays.

  • Older Persons Grant: This grant, along with linked grants, will be paid out on Friday, 2 August 2024.
    • Beneficiaries under 75 will receive R2,180.
    • Beneficiaries aged 75 and older will receive R2,200.

How To Receive Your SASSA Grant

You have two convenient options to receive your SASSA grant:

  • Direct Deposit: Have your grant paid directly into your bank account for easy access.
  • Cash Paypoints: Collect your grant at various payment points, including ATMs and retail stores like Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, and Boxer.

Sassa advises beneficiaries not to rush to withdraw their funds on the first day of payment. Once the money is in your account, it will remain there until you need it.

Sassa distributes several different permanent grants to approximately 18 million financially vulnerable people living in South Africa. They include the Older Persons pension grant, Disability grant, War Veterans grant, Care Dependency grant, Foster Child grant, Child Support grant, Child Support grant Top-Up and Grant-in-aid.

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