Why Sassa Delayed June SRD Grant Payments


Millions of individuals rely on the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant to purchase essential goods and services. This grant specifically targets vulnerable citizens living in South Africa with only unemployed individuals qualifying for the grant.




The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) distributes several social support grants to citizens living in the country. The newest grant distributed by the agency is the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant.

The grant was first introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic to assist unemployed individuals during the hard lockdown. It was reintroduced in the latter parts of 2021 until March 2022. The grant was then extended by 12 months which will see it come to an end in March 2023.

However, when the National State of Disaster ended in April 2022, Sassa was forced to distribute the grant under alternative legislation. The grant is now provided under the Social Assistance Act.

This change in legislation resulted in some grant payments being delayed. Click Here To Read Why April And May SRD Grant Statuses Are Pending.

Sassa says that from June, all payments for the corresponding months will be paid. Meaning you will receive your June SRD grant payment in June and the same for July.

However, not all SRD grant recipients received their SRD grant payments in June. Sassa says may have been due to beneficiaries not providing their banking details. Click Here To Learn How To Change Your Banking Details.

“June payments have been made for clients that have successfully made for clients that have successfully verified bank accounts” explained Sassa.

Sassa needs to verify the banking details of beneficiaries to determine whether they qualify for the grant. They do this by verifying if beneficiaries have an amount of money above the income threshold of the SRD grant.

The current income threshold for the SRD grant is R350. However, this may soon change. Click Here To Find Out Why The SRD Income Threshold May Change. 




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