Learnerships have many benefits for all parties


Learnerships have many positives and not just for the learner who will seek a job upon graduation. These opportunities create jobs amongst other things. The following article touches upon the benefits in granting learnerships and the relationships it creates.



The value of learnerships is that they assist in creating jobs. Furthermore, as the Seta programmes have developed over the years, more hidden benefits in the triangular relationship between the employer, the project manager and the learner, have become apparent.
Aslam Galant, who is Business Development and General Manager in the Cape Town Division at Isilumko Staffing, says, "At the beginning of last year we were appointed as project managers for a learnership programme by one of the country?s leading media companies. The aim was to provide training for 100 learners in their contact centre.
"One of the benefits for the host company is based on the B-BBEE scorecard. Three areas in the running of a learnership programme are important in this context.
What are the benefits of learnerships?
Firstly points can be earned in the skills development block. Secondly, depending on the B-BBEE status of the suppliers, maximum points can be scored in the Preferential Procurement section. Because Isilumko Staffing (IS) is now a Level 2 contributor the additional value that this provides our clients is significant when completing their Preferential Procurement section.
Thirdly, due to Isilumko Staffing being 51,20% black owned and 37,50% black women owned as an entity, if a client nominates us as an Enterprise Development Beneficiary, it is possible to claim the full invoice value in the Enterprise Development section and the Preferential Procurement value can increase to R1,50 for every rand spent with us.
"We work closely with our clients to provide the link between the learner, the lead company and ourselves. We see this as a triangular relationship where all three parties are equally dependent upon each other for the success of the programme.'
 What is a client learnership programme?
Galant says that Isilumko Staffing (IS) acts as the project manager in the client learnership programme relationships. "IS provides all the necessary recruitment steps to select the learners as per our client?s requirements.
This includes screening, managing the whole process between the lead employer, for example company X and IS, looking after all the HR requirements, payroll, selection of hosting
environments and selection and management of the training provider.
Some of our clients have also specifically requested that disabled learners participate on this programme,' adds Galant.
Galant continues, "The companies that we are dealing with often embark upon the Learnership in order to fulfil their operational staffing needs and recognize that Learnerships offer a multi-purpose approach of talent identification, wage bill subsidization if funded through the SETA, tax relief benefits, B-BBEE Scorecard benefits and labour legislation flexibility.
Companies have also accepted the responsibility to create opportunities for young aspiring individuals to develop their skills and talents. Learners must accept responsibility to transform themselves, and also use this opportunity to develop their skills, gain experience and maximize their potential. It creates an ideal opportunity to showcase their talents and skills to potential employers.'
Isilumko Staffings Branch Manager, Mandy Carelse, comments, "Isilumko is highly selective of candidates for the 6-12 month learnership programmes. By selecting and filtering learners with a higher level of education, including matric, numeracy, literacy and even role-playing skills, they stand a better chance of completing the programme.
They are also more likely to succeed in reducing the high attrition rate prevalent in this industry. Our company is results orientated, so we want learners to achieve their NQF Level 2 qualification for contact centre support and go on to find employment.
As project managers we keep in regular contact with the learners on-site together with our training facilitators throughout the course to ensure that they are motivated. Our expertise includes finding positions in the areas of customer service and administration. Keeping our clients and the learners satisfied is a top priority.'
"As we are focusing on call centre support staff for our clients, we have been dealing with the services Seta, which provides the funding for the learners? training, as part of the process.
By selecting better quality candidates for the learnerships, we were able to persuade our clients to top-up the monthly stipend provided by the SETA. This is another benefit, as it improves the chances of the learners completing the programme and not dropping out.
It is also a motivating factor for learners to choose a long term career in a contact centre. Many may even be offered employment in the company where they are completing their learnerships,' concludes Carelse.
For more information call Aslam or Mandy on 021 461 3609 or go to www.isilumko.co.za
What do you think?How could parties benefit from embracing learnership opportunities and should more follow this example?

The Learnership programme was developed in South Africa as a modern way to advance apprenticeships to meet the modern demands of the workplace. Learnerships also manage to formalise the learning and workplace experience - which is usually sadly lacking in internships offered by companies.

Another significant benefit of Learnerships over internships is that Learnerships come with a formal pay structure where learners will be paid a monthly stipend, or payment, for the time they are on the Learnership. Also, internships do not have a learning component, while Learnerships are all linked directly to a formal qualification.


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