Education | The Skills Portal


Education, best described as the process of imparting or receiving knowledge, is one of the highest priorities on the global agenda. Across the world, government and the department of education are working to eradicate illiteracy in order to emancipate impoverished people groups. Below you'll find a variety of educational content on online learning, tvet colleges, higher education, gde admissions, tertiary education, inclusive education and more. Also find the latest stories on Blade Nzimande and Angie Motshekga.

As technology continues to advance, so does the way we learn. Online learning continues to grow in popularity, with most educational institutions now adopting a strategy of extending their offering of online courses and programmes. 

As graduation ceremonies go it was a small affair, but for the ten previously unemployed St Helena Bay women graduating as qualified food handlers it was a big deal. Their achievement is an important part of a pioneering project at a local primary school which seeks to make school feeding more impactful.

In the dynamic landscape of education, the role of teachers is pivotal in shaping the future of generations to come. The demands placed on educators are constantly evolving, requiring a commitment to ongoing professional development and training.

Parents tread a delicate line during the high-pressure Matric study and exam time. On the one hand you want to be motivating for optimal performance every step of the way, but it’s easy to tip over into applying too much pressure on an already stressed-out teen. 

While it is not uncommon for South African school students to struggle with Mathematics during their educational journeys, more awareness is needed about a learning disorder called Dyscalculia, to ensure that students who may be Dyscalculic are able to access the help they need timeously and effectively, an education expert says.


Every year, thousands of South African children are not placed in schools due to inadequate capacity. This has been exacerbated by the semigration of parents hoping to find job opportunities in major economic hubs like Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape following the pandemic, with nearly 60% of the South African population living in these three provinces.

Athlone’s Mohamed Tawfeeq Adams believes that knowledge is power. “The late great Nelson Mandela said education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world, which is why I will never stop learning and challenging myself,” says the trainee data analyst based at Engen’s head office in Cape Town.

With the ongoing growth of online schooling in South Africa, parents are increasingly considering this route as a viable option for their children. Still, they are left overwhelmed by the massive range of schools and their differences in offerings.

Short courses are often flexible, cost-effective and time-efficient, allowing students to upskill themselves or gain knowledge to advance their careers and job prospects. The IQ Academy offers several short courses that can assist individuals to boost their employability in their respective fields. 

The latest New Leaf Technologies Learning Indaba & Articulate Roadshow in Johannesburg and Cape Town proved a resounding success, as hundreds of learning and development professionals packed the respective venues to gain valuable insights from global experts in the field.

When planning to complete a Masters of Business Administration programme, there are many factors you will need to take into consideration if you wish to choose the best option for you. Here are some guidelines that may help you make the best decision for you and your career.

According to South African cooking school, Capsicum Culinary Studio, the key to growing a business and expanding the footprint is to document all business systems, processes and routines that are utilised during a typical day of operation. Here are some tips that helped Capsicum grow from a small business to a successful medium-sized business.

Thousands of students enrolled in academic programmes at universities enjoy access to a wealth of resources provided by the institution. There is a process to follow before students can access these resources if they are enrolled at a popular institution in KwaZulu-Natal.

Several public and private institutions offer courses in graphic design to individuals who want to study while they are working. These courses enable students to gain valuable skills while allowing them to retain their income.


Becoming a teacher is an admirable career as teachers are often the ones who shape minds and give rise to greatness for the future. One of the processes to becoming a teacher is to be registered with the South African Council for Educators.

If you are looking to do a short course at any institution of learning, it is important to look at the tuition fees. Should you not be able to afford to pay for your short course, you need to take a look at the financial aid options that you may use.

The match between a qualification and the prospects of finding employment is one of the things aspirant students need to take increasingly into consideration given tough economic conditions, an education expert says.

Pre-2018, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme was a student loan that financially supported thousands of students in public institutions of higher education. Over the past few years, the Scheme has undergone significant changes.


Having years of experience in your respective field can be beneficial when pursuing a qualification. This is because your chosen institution will still be interested in whether your skill levels match your preferred qualification, and this is where Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can benefit your eligibility status. 

Since the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in 2015, and its subsequent rise in prominence, the global view of education has been challenged to the extent that education systems need to be adaptable, or they will face becoming irrelevant.






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