Best Practice in Quality Management
Course Outcomes
Upon completing this course, participants should be able to:
- Explain the concept of best practice in terms of the practices in the workplace
- Identify best practices that are relevant to the workplace
- Ensure that the best practices identified define world class practices for a specific context / unit
- Compare current practices in a unit with best practice
- Evaluate current product/service reliability in terms of internal and external customer expectations
- Identify the best opportunity/s for maximum gain for a business unit
- Describe the performance outcomes to be achieved by replacing the current practice with best practice with examples
- Describe the current practices to be retained with motivations for the retention
- Describe the best practices to be introduced with motivations for the introduction
- Ensure that the recommendations that are described are appropriate for the current practices analysed
- Ensure that recommendations that are presented are in line with best practices
- Communicate the recommendations to stakeholders in order to obtain feedback
- Identify the resources needed to implement best practice
- Ensure that the plan identifies tasks, responsibilities, time scales and performance measures
- Draw up a contingency plan
- Describe how implementation will be monitored and evaluated
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