Skills Development
Skills Development in South Africa is governed under the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998, which has subsequently been amended a number of times. The national government's Department of Higher Education and Training is responsible for managing and developing all higher education and skills development training. Learnerships are a key component of the skills development drive. With a Learnership the learner can gain a national qualification without having to pay study fees. The current Minister responsible for skills development is Dr Blade Nzimande.
The concept of career success has evolved significantly over time. Once defined by a linear progression within a single field, it now centres on continual growth, adaptability, and personal achievement. For professionals navigating an ever-changing job market, staying relevant often requires expanding skill sets and exploring new opportunities.
The end of year exams has concluded for students at South Africa's largest university. Here's what students can do if they are unsatisfied with their Unisa exam results.
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How do you select training providers and how do you ensure that providers deliver quality programmes? Suzanne Hattingh draws on her experience with government departments, companies and training providers to present some answers.
For employees who have been performing in a job for many years without any formal qualifications for what they do, recognition of prior learning (RPL) is good news. But Mark Orpen from the Institute of People Development explains that there are strong spin-offs for the employer as well.
Learnerships have been promoted as the primary tool to address the country's skills shortage and to assist young people acquire skills that will secure them employment. But with the Minister of Labour highlighting incidences of abuse of learners, how do we maintain trust in this new form of training and ensure high standards of learning?
Businesses today face constant changes in technology and market conditions and to stay competitive, companies must focus on developing their workforce strategically. Upskilling employees has become more than just a necessity; it’s a key driver and enabler for successful strategic outcomes across companies.
South Africa has faced two major cyber security breaches this year and has been the victim of ongoing cyber abuse over a significant period, which cost millions of Rands in losses.
Dozens of nonprofit and civil society organisations (NPOs) gathered in Woodstock, Cape Town on Thursday 12 September for #ThinkGood, an annual event for the sector to share expertise, insights and contacts.
Why has there been so little uptake on the Verifier unit standard? And why has the SGB declined to renew this particular standard? Marietta van Rooyen believes that a Verifier plays an important role in the NQF system and proposes that the decision to discontinue it should be debated further.
In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the demand for customized training has never been more crucial. Companies are facing unique challenges that off-the-shelf training programs often fail to address.
In the landscape of skills development and training, unit standards have long served as the benchmark for quality and consistency. However, not all valuable learning experiences fit neatly into these predefined criteria.
Learnerships are a popular form of vocational training in South Africa, providing individuals with the opportunity to gain practical skills and knowledge in a specific field while earning a stipend. This article aims to shed light on what learnerships are, their benefits, and how to apply for one.
The acronym stands for 'Sector Education and Training Authority' and there are 25 such organisations, each representing one section of the economy. In this article, we break down what the Seta is and what they do.
The role of Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) has been devised for the person acts as the liason between the company and the Seta. A skills development facilitator plays a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities of individuals and organizations.
The term ABET refers to Adult Basic Education and Training. Abet refers to education up to the equivalent of grade 9 (standard 7). Both literacy and numeracy are included in Abet.
Confused by all the 3 letter acronyms? We've published a guide to the help translate the acronym-speak you will hear from skills professionals!
In South Africa, learnerships are a popular pathway to employment, particularly for young people and those seeking to upskill. A number of issues have to be addressed prior to implementation of Learnerships.
Learnerships are structured training programs that combine practical work experience with theoretical learning. Learnerships are defined by a number of key principles.
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