Assessment College


The Assessment College is vital to the running of South Africa's education system. Offering skills programmes and qualifications for Education, Training and Development (ETD) practitioners, the Assessment College of South Africa focuses on how assessments are conducted and ensures that assessors and moderators are sufficiently qualified to be able to fairly and effectively assess work. Fully accredited, the Assessment College trains assessors to understand the NQF system by which qualifications are ranked and methods and processes for assessment. Read on for more information relating to the Assessment College of South Africa.

The end of year exams has concluded for students at South Africa's largest university. Here's what students can do if they are unsatisfied with their Unisa exam results. 

Why has there been so little uptake on the Verifier unit standard? And why has the SGB declined to renew this particular standard? Marietta van Rooyen believes that a Verifier plays an important role in the NQF system and proposes that the decision to discontinue it should be debated further.

The vision of the White Paper is a single, integrated post-school system with
a focus on collaboration between the institutions. Artisan training will become
the centre of South Africa?s post-school training plan.

The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations is planning to make use of Communities of Expert Practice, or CEPs, to develop qualifications and to perform certain quality assurance functions. Marietta van Rooyen looks at their role in more detail.

"It seems to me", writes Marietta van Rooyen, "that the role of trainers in the development of skills in South Africa is grossly underestimated. When the NQF was set up the word 'Trainer' was somehow discredited and replaced by the rather ambiguous name of ETD Practitioner". So how can trainers raise their status?




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