Building Industry Bargaining Council


bibcThe Building Industry Bargaining Council (BIBC) is a Sector and Area-specific Bargaining Council established through an Act of Parliament to promote and facilitate collective bargaining in the building industry.

To be in good standing, you need to be registered as an employer and your employees need to be registered with the BIBC as well.

Connect with the BIBC on their website and LinkedIn.

BIBC's Articles:

The Building Industry Bargaining Council clarifies the ins and outs of the looming legislation and what it will mean for employers and workers.

‘Decent work’ not only ensures excellent working conditions, but a sustainable building industry as well. The Building Industry Bargaining Council unpacks the role of employers, workers and the public at large.

A survey of more than 5 000 employees last year established that only 36% of respondents were able to access a retirement fund, with only 7% of retirees feeling prepared for their retirement years. Here's how the Western Cape’s Building Industry Bargaining Council’s pension fund is ensuring that minor children of builders today can get the help they need once their parents pass on.

Globally popular collective bargaining can invigorate a workforce to withstand market volatility and financial uncertainty while addressing issues of complexity.

As much as addressing South Africa’s dire unemployment rate is critical, building industry role players recommend that businesses and members of the public tread carefully when securing the services of unregistered contractors.




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