Jack Hammer Global
Jack Hammer Global is a global company with their Africa division being Africa’s largest executive search firm where they help companies, NPOs and private equity firms with a presence in Africa to build great leadership teams.
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Jack Hammer's Articles:
Motivating for a salary increase or improved compensation package is one of the most nerve-wracking challenges employees can face. The anxiety surrounding the mere idea of having the conversation can be so debilitating, that this important act of self-advocacy often gets put off for way too long – sometimes years, even forever.
As companies across the world face hiring freezes and retrenchments, a leadership expert says it’s important to consider the impact not only on those who are made redundant, but also on the so-called survivors of downsizing and cost-cutting, who are often left to take on additional tasks or adapt to new roles without improved compensation.
Over the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in women in the workforce, with an estimated 47% of the labour force now being female. And while there has been growing recognition of the importance of and support for women’s wellbeing in organisations – including on issues such as maternity leave, for instance – one taboo remains: menopause.
Broadening your skills base is now non-negotiable for remaining competitive in the workplace. Advaita Naidoo, Africa MD at Jack Hammer Global, says the good news is that this doesn’t necessitate heading back to university to achieve another qualification in an unrelated field.
There is an increasing awareness globally of the impact of ADHD in the workplace. Yet in South Africa, the challenges and opportunities associated with neurodiversity in adults and specifically adults in the workforce, remain comparatively under-examined. This is to the detriment of both affected employees and companies overlooking the value neurodiverse individuals can bring to their teams, a leadership expert says.
Several recent reports indicate that the effects of diminished global mental wellbeing have become a new normal, with mental wellbeing remaining at a post-pandemic low amidst the turmoil of current world events and crises. The workplace is no exception: employees are more distracted and anxious than they have been since the early days of the pandemic, and there is a clear link between mental health and work performance.
As the traditional mindset of a successful workplace model – where CEO and full-time executives all work in proximity to the office – rapidly becomes outdated due to the rise in remote and hybrid work, Africa’s largest executive search firm, Jack Hammer Global, says future-focused businesses are undoubtedly moving towards a hybrid and fractional work model, with fractional leaders being executives who work part-time within an organisation, integrating into the company’s leadership team without the full-time cost.
In today’s competitive job market, candidates often find themselves at a crossroads: should they stay loyal to a single company and build their career over a number of years, or embrace more rapid package growth by moving frequently when the chance arrives?
Burnout is well-recognised for its negative effects on a person’s life and wellbeing, but less well-known is boreout – another sub-optimal state that is prevalent in workplaces and characterised by low motivation, low challenge, and low interest. It usually results from having too little to do, too little autonomy, or too few opportunities to use one’s skills and passions in a way that helps you live up to your full potential at work.
After having made it through application, shortlisting and interview processes, a job offer from a potential new employer may feel like the exciting final step in one’s job search, but in South Africa, it is still standard procedure for many companies to ask prospective employees for proof of their previous salary before making a concrete offer – which presents a challenge for those who would prefer to negotiate in line with the value they bring, rather than their historic remuneration.
It’s not uncommon for individuals to feel stuck in a rut in their professional lives. Despite putting in the work and the hours, they may still not see the progress or growth they desire.
Research and surveys across the globe are showing that there has been a dramatic increase in stress and burnout in the workplace, and South Africa is no exception. While the hangover from the pandemic and lockdowns continues, much of the workforce in most countries must now also contend with dramatically increased cost of living and uncertainty about the future, while continuing attempts to perform at previous levels as well as maintaining personal and family relationships.
The world of work has changed dramatically over the past few years, even before the pandemic and the rise in remote work cemented new ways of working. But while many historic business processes and practices have long since fallen along the wayside in favour of more effective and efficient ones, there is one that obstinately remains in place: the annual performance review.
Over the past three years, the world has seen the biggest workplace shift since the industrial revolution, with the introduction of hybrid and remote work options as a result of pandemic lockdowns.
In recent years, the term gaslighting has entered the public lexicon after this toxic behaviour became better identified and understood in personal and romantic relationships.
2023 is rapidly shaping up to become a year of challenges locally and globally, with some international trends replicating themselves in South Africa, mixed in with unique challenges of our own.
As work-from-home and hybrid workforce routines become more entrenched, a leadership expert cautions that being out of sight could start translating into employees being out of the minds of company leadership and thus negatively impact career progress.
As companies and workforces continue to grapple with the issue of return-to-work, fully work-from-home and hybrid work arrangements, care must be taken to ensure that this contemporary workplace challenge doesn’t further erode or even reverse gains made on the gender transformation front, a leadership expert warns.
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