Sensory Intelligence


sensory intelligenceSensory Intelligence uses revolutionary, innovative, yet simple frameworks of sensory assessments, workshops, and coaching to help learn how to engage the unique 7 senses for improved wellness, relationships, and productivity.

They help companies have a calmer, healthier and more productive environment.

Connect with Sensory Intelligence on their website.

Sensory Intelligence's Articles:


The start of a new year is the perfect time for reflection. Over the holidays, I revisited my participation at a corporate health and wellness conference in 2016. As a speaker then, I explored “The Value of Sensory Intelligence® for Health and Wellness in the Corporate Industry”.


Having goals at the start of a new year is important. Of course, setting them is easy. However, achieving and maintaining them always prove to be difficult. Dr Annemarie Lombard, Founder, Thought Leader, Workshop Facilitator, and Author at Sensory Intelligence Consulting gives 5 tips on enhancing a work environment.

Sensory Intelligence® is excited to announce the launch of its 2024 Practitioners Course. Specially designed for healthcare professionals, coaches, workplace designers, and HR & OD practitioners, this comprehensive course will explore the intricate theories of sensory processing and its applications in improving mental health, relationships, and workplace productivity.




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