Excel Level 2


Excel Level 2

A one-day course to build on Excel Level 1

Prerequisite: Microsoft Excel Level 1 with some experience and practice


Module 1: Fundamentals revisited
Absolute vs relative cell referencing
Basic functions

Module 2: Viewing and Organising Worksheet Data
The zoom feature
Using freeze panes
Hiding rows and columns
Grouping data
Creating subtotals

Module 3: Working with Tables
Creating a Table
Parts of a Table
Naming a Table
Navigating to a Table
Column Headers
Selecting an Entire Column
Selecting an Entire Row
Selecting an Entire Table
Adding a Total Row
Converting a Table Back to a Normal Range

 Module 4: Sorting and Filtering Data

Sorting Data
Filtering Data
Types of Filters

Module 5: Working with Dates

Dates in Excel
Inserting and Formatting Dates
Entering Date Functions
Using Dates in Formulas

Module 6: Conditional Formulas and Formatting
Conditional formatting
Applying conditional formatting
Using the manage rules option
Creating a conditional formatting rule
Removing conditional formatting

Module 7: Documenting and Auditing
The formula auditing group

Module 8: Worksheet Protection
Unlocking cells
Protecting your worksheets

Module 9: Using Templates
What is a template?
Creating a workbook from a template
Creating a template

Module 10: Working with Charts
Creating a chart
Manipulating a chart
Formatting a chart

Module 11: Printing Large Worksheets
Print titles
Page break preview
Inserting a page break
Printing multiple sheets

Module 12: Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks (Bonus Module if time permits)
Inserting worksheets
Navigating between sheets
Consolidating data
Creating 3-D formulas
Linking workbooks
Using the paste link option
Creating a formula to link workbooks
Controlling link updates
Manually update all of the links or none of the links in a workbook
Manually update only some of the links to other workbooks
Dealing with broken links

Quick reference: Excel shortcuts
Ctrl combination shortcut keys
Function keys
Other useful shortcut keys

You can view all our courses HERE

KZN Business Training Centre

Contact Details
Contact Person:
Call us on: +27 (0)31 267 1229
Contact Email:
sales [at] kznbtc.co.za
Course Details
Non-Credit Bearing
Course Duration:
1 Day
Course Delivery Method:

Blended Blended

In Class In Class

Distance Distance

Presented Presented Courses

In House In-House

Contact us at +27 (0)31 267 1229 or [email protected] and we will send your a full course outline and quotation based on your requirements
Course Fee Includes:
Our public course fee includes facilitated training, course materials, the venue, a light lunch and refreshments. Onsite training at your venue can be arranged on mutually suitable dates - please contact us to request a quotation.




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