Accessibility To Higher Education Will Be Increased - Minister


The Department of Higher Education wants to broaden access to tertiary education. A major component of increasing access to higher education will be the use of online learning.




The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) is evaluating the use of online education by public institutions of higher learning. They are aiming to promote the use of technology to improve the quality of teaching and learning and ultimately broaden access to tertiary education. 

DHET Minister Blade Nzimande says while the use of online education by different institutions in the post-school education sector has not been quantified, several initiatives were introduced to increase its use. 

The DHET is currently investing in the development of a National Open Learning System (NOLS). The system will aim to harness open learning principles in all Post-school Education and Training (PSET) institutions around the country. 

It is envisaged that the NOLS system will provide students with an efficient open learning system with viable options for learning and enable the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as an enabler for teaching and learning in the sector. 

It will also increase the availability of high-quality, shared teaching and learning resources such as Open Educational Resources (OER). 

The department also funded the South African National Research Network (SANReN). The project is at an 80% completion rate and will connect all 50 TVET Colleges with more than 300 sites around the county. 

Learning sites that were connected have provided very positive feedback, with high-speed connectivity achieved across vast and deep rural and mountainous regions of the country. 

The DHET also commissioned a research project with an international partner on the current use of technology in South African TVET colleges.

To build the capacity of institutions to expand access through online education, the DHET has developed a National Guideline on using technology to enhance teaching and learning.

An additional project on blended learning was initiated by the department to build lecturer and tutor capacity in blended learning of mathematics and statistics education, tutoring and support. 

Its objective is to encourage collaboration through workshops between universities and faculty communities in which the best practices of blended learning are shared and new knowledge is created to improve the delivery of education. 


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