How To Get Your Company To Pay For Your Degree


Having a degree can mean a great deal to your future career prospects, earning potential and personal job satisfaction.



This is because graduates:

  • Earn nearly three times more than non-graduates over the course of their working lives;
  • Are more protected from retrenchment;
  • Have access to a broader range of career opportunities;
  • Are more able to contribute to the well-being and development of others;
  • Have a more empowered life, because with knowledge comes the skills to navigate life (such as the ability to read and understand your rights on a contract);
  • Have a stronger sense of personal pride and self-esteem, which translates in a more fulfilled life.

So, the reasons for wanting to study and earn a degree are many. You probably know all these and want to get started. But how do you pay for it? The last thing you want is to go into debt or stretch your budget too far.

So, ask your employer.

There are many tangible benefits to getting your employer to pay for you. Use these strategies in your discussion:

  • Any payment they make to an education provider may earn them BBBEE scorecard points if you are from a designated group in terms of the legislation;
  • They will be empowering you to make a bigger and more strategic contribution to the organisation;
  • They will have a mechanism to lock you into a service contract that will see you staying with the company beyond the duration of the degree;

The first step is to make the appointment and go and see your manager. As with any negotiation make sure you are prepared:

  • Know what the company policy on study funding is, and find out if you meet the requirements;
  • Plan answers to possible questions your manager may ask you (which may include questions such as cost, delivery mode, and the benefits to the company of paying for you to do this degree);
  • Have a pitch ready (be prepared by having the brochure, knowing what subjects you want to elect, understanding the online methodology and knowing the deadline for enrolment);
  • Have a few questions of your own ready (like what happens if I fail a subject, how long must I work back to cover the commitment, and so forth)
  • And have the Chartall Business College application form ready and waiting for your boss to sign.

Building your skills and knowledge so that you can enjoy the privilege to call yourself a graduate is worth it in the long run. Get started as soon as possible and you will enjoy the many benefits for longer.

The Chartall Business College Bachelor of Business Administration degree is available online. It is made up of online lectures, online discussion forums, online tutorials and self-study. It may be what you are looking for.

Email [email protected] to see if you qualify for admission.

Image Attribution: Image by DCStudio




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