May/June Matric Rewrites Are Currently Underway


Every year, individuals have the opportunity retake the National Senior Certificate examinations to secure their matric qualification and improve their results. This is done through the education department's Second Chance Matric Programme.



The Department of Basic Education (DBE) launched the programme in 2016 and its main aim is to help candidates meet the requirements of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Senior Certificate (SC) and obtain a Grade 12 matric certificate.

The 2023 May/June NSC and SC examinations began on 3 May 2023 and are expected to conclude on Wednesday, 14 June 2023.

With the exams currently underway, the department has encouraged all candidates to make sure they are well prepared for the exams and use their time wisely.

DBE spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga stressed that because this is a second exam, candidates must make sure that they give it their utmost best.

I hope you have looked at your timetable and has gone to the district to receive your personal timetable, which will have your name on it, and it also have a list of the subjects that you are writing, where you are writing and when you are writing.

Individuals who have registered for the exams are advised to make use of all the tools and study materials that are available to them. Mhlanga added, “Go to a school near you and ask for assistance in preparing for their exams.”

Candidates can also make use of past question papers as well as audio and video recordings of lessons in several subjects to prepare.

Benefits of the Second Chance Programme

  • Learners are able to meet the requirements of the NSC or SC and obtain a Grade 12 matric certificate.
  • Increase learner retention.
  • Increase computer skills, job opportunities and career pathing.
  • Learners are able to access bursary opportunities for further studies.

Furthermore, the department noted that there tends to be fewer candidates who participate in these rewrite exams than those who initially registered. 

We’ve been checking over the years that some people will enter for this exam, those that register they don't come to write and those that write they don't do that well and some of those people don't come back again.

Mhlanga added, “If you have registered it is important that you actually go and write because if will give you a feel of what it’s like.”

As a result, the department has made it possible for registered May/June exam candidates who may have not managed to pass during the exams, to have another opportunity rewrite during the October/November final exams.

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