Applications For Matric Remarks, Rechecks And Rewrites Now Open



The May/June matric examination period came to an end in June with the matric rewrite results being released this week. Now, those who were unsatisfied with their results can apply for a chance to improve.



On Monday, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) released the May/June Matric examinations results with those who were awaiting their results now being able to collect it from their exam centres. These exams took place from 3 May until 14 June.

Here's What The Matric Rewrite Results Obtained Were

matric rewrite results

Who wrote during this exam period?

The May/June matric exam rewrite period is also meant for the following individuals:

  • those who aim to improve their previous results from the previous final exams
  • those who were unable to write during the October/November final exams of the previous year due to a valid reason
  • adult candidates over 21 years old with a minimum of grade 9

Exams are for both the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and the Senior Certificate (SC). 93 534 candidates sat to obtain their SC while 185 907 candidates wrote for the NSC, bringing the total number of candidates to 279 541.

One issue found during the exam was attendance as only 60% of the NSC candidates showed up and only 53% of the candidates for the SC. On this, the department has said, "The DBE is exploring measures that could be implemented for future years, to increase the candidate turn out for those examinations".

Matric Remark, Rechecks And Rewrites

Should candidates who sat for their matric rewrites still not be satisfied with their results, they are afforded another opportunity to improve. This is done through a matric remark, recheck and rewrite.

Those who were writing their National Senior Certificate exams can apply to write the 2023 October/November examination. These registrations close on 21 August.

Unfortunately, those who were writing their Senior Certificate exams are not allowed to apply to write during the 2023 October/November examination and will need to wait for the 2024 May/June examination. 

How To Apply For A Matric Rewrite

To apply, these candidates must complete their registration forms at the examination centre where they wrote the examination or at the nearest district and no online registration option is available.

How to Apply For A Matric Remark/Recheck

Application forms can be obtained from centre where the exam was written. This application can also be done online by following these steps:

  1. Visit The Government’s Official e-Services Portal 
  2. Click on the education icon, which displays a graduation cap 
  3. Select the Basic Education Option. This will cause several options to appear. 
  4. Select Re-Mark/Recheck
  5. Fill out all the required fields in the online application and ensure all the information provided is correct. 
  6. Once satisfied that all the information is correct, accept the terms and conditions by checking the designated box (√).

Applications for matric remarks and rechecks will close on 21 August. Should candidates not be satisfied with their remark or recheck results, they can apply to view their script.

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A matric learner writing an exam.

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