Want to improve your matric results or gain entry to your desired tertiary institution? A matric rewrite might be your answer.
Thousands of students each year take advantage of this opportunity to achieve their academic goals.
When Can You Register?
The registration period for the October/November 2024 matric rewrite is brief, opening on 7 August and closing on 21 August. This gives potential candidates just two weeks to apply.
How to Apply
There are two ways to register for the matric rewrite:
- Online: Utilize the government's e-services portal for a convenient application process.
- In-Person: Visit your local District Office and bring the following documents:
- Identity document
- Statement of results or matric certificate
- Most recent school report (if applicable)
Matric Rewrite Exam Dates
The 2024 October/November matric exams are scheduled to start on Monday, 21 October 2024 and conclude in late November.
Preparing For Matric Exams
Learners are encouraged to prepare adequately for the matric exams. The Careers Portal provides resources including matric past papers, dedicated to making the matric year easier for grade 12s. We want to make sure that all grade 12 students have an easy and convenient way to gain access to the resources they need in order to succeed during their exams.
You'll be able to find everything you need from matric rewrite, matric results, study guides, matric past exam papers, matric timetables, tips, advice and more.