IEB Matric Rewrite Applications Are Open



Some learners will no be satisfied with the results they achieved during the November 2023 IEB matric exams. These learners can register for the IEB matric supplementary exams. 



The 2023 National Senior Certificate (NSC) exam results from the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) have been released. Although the IEB achieved outstanding outcomes, some learners may want to improve matric exam results. The IEB has opened matric exam remark applications. 

For those looking to make improvements, enrollment for the May/June IEB Matric supplementary exams is an option.

While the IEB achieved excellent results, some learners may want to improve their matric exam results. IEB matric exam remarks are now open and will close on 1 February. Matric remark results will then released on 1 March.

Learners can also enrol in the May/June IEB Matric rewrite exams. 

Until When Can Learners Register For May/June IEB Matric Exams?

Learners who qualify for for the May/June examination matric rewrites have until 15 March 2024 to register.

It's important to note that only learners who qualify to participate in the May/June supplementary exams will be able to register. They will also need to register before the date set by the IEB. 

Who Qualifies For IEB Supplementary Exams? 

Candidates are eligible to enroll in subjects that they previously registered for in the November examination. The internal assessment marks from the previous year, including oral, practical, PAT, and SBA marks, will be considered to fulfill both internal and external examination requirements.

If a candidate registered for a subject with multiple papers in the November session and was absent from one paper, they must retake both papers during the May examination.

In cases where an investigation into irregularities is ongoing, provisional enrollment for the supplementary examination may be provided to the candidate, awaiting the investigation's outcome.

Life Orientation, being an internally assessed subject, is not available during the May examination session.

How To Register For An IEB Supplementary Exam 

Registration can be completed on the IEB’s online registration platform  Applicants  will be required to make payment through the online platform.

A fee per subject is payable. The fees are determined on an annual basis will be available on the registration platform.

The fees for the May examination are non-refundable and non-transferrable.

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