May/June Matric Rewrite Applications Now Open


Matric exam results will often determine which steps a learner can take on their tertiary education journey. Many learners who do not achieve the matric results they want choose to rewrite their matric exams.



The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has officially opened applications for May/June 2024 matric exam rewrites. The midyear examination season allows learners who failed to achieve their desired results to rewrite their examinations in the hopes of improving their matric exam results. 

May/June 2024 matric rewrite applications officially opened on 2 October 2023. Learners wanting to rewrite their exams will have until 9 February 2023 to register for a matric exam rewrite.

Applying For A Matric Exam Rewrite

Registrations for matric exam rewrites can be done online on the governments eservices portal or at the examination centre the matric candidate wrote at or at a district office.

If you want support in preparations for your matric rewrite, check out the Second Chance Matric Programme website. The Second Chance Programme provides learners with various study materials and face-to-face classes.

One of the best ways to prepare for a matric exam rewrite is by completing past papers. Past papers for all Grade 12 subjects can be found on the Careers Portal website. You can find past papers for Life Sciences, Life Orientation, home language, Mathematical Literacy, Business Studies and other general subjects to prepare for your matric exams. 

Why Learners Apply To Rewrite Their Matric Exams 

Many learners choose to rewrite their matric exams to either obtain a matric certificate or improve their results. Improving their matric results could mean they achieve a different matric pass and can pursue a wider range of academic qualifications. 

Types Of Matric Passes 

There are four pass levels including a Higher certificate pass, a Diploma pass, a Bachelor’s degree pass and the NSC examination certificate – Special Needs Education (SNE) pass. 

Higher certificate pass requirements

To achieve a Higher certificate pass, a learner must…

  • obtain at least 40% in Home Language
  • obtain at least 40% in three subjects
  • obtain at least 30% in three other subjects
  • pass at least six out of seven subjects

Diploma pass requirements

To achieve a Diploma pass, a learner must…

  • obtain at least 40% in Home Language
  • obtain at least 40% in three other subjects, excluding Life Orientation
  • pass at least six out of seven subjects

Learners who achieve a Diploma pass can apply to study for a diploma at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college or university of technology.

Bachelor’s pass requirements

To achieve a bachelor matric pass, a learner must…

  • obtain at least 40% in Home Language
  • obtain at least 50% in four subjects, excluding Life Orientation
  • obtain at least 30% in one other subject
  • pass at least six out of seven subjects

Learners who achieve a bachelor's pass can apply to study towards a bachelor's degree qualification. 

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Matric results being released

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