Sassa Grant Payment Schedule For June 2024


Being aware of your Sassa grant payment date empowers you to effectively manage your monthly finances. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Sassa grant payment dates for June 2024, including specific dates and grant value increases.



The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) plays a vital role in South Africa's social welfare system, disbursing grants to over 18 million citizens every month. These grants offer crucial financial aid to vulnerable individuals and families.

Sassa distributes several different permanent grants aimed at assisting financially vulnerable people living in South Africa. They include the Older Persons pension grant, Disability grant, War Veterans grant, Care Dependency grant, Foster Child grant, Child Support grant, Child Support grant Top-Up and Grant-in-aid.

SASSA Payment Schedule: When to Expect Your Grant

Sassa prioritises distributing grants on the second working day of each month. However, public holidays and weekends may cause a slight shift in the payment schedule. 

To ensure timely receipt of your grant, be aware that payments will commence on the fourth day of June 2024 at the latest.

SASSA Grant Payment Dates for June 2024

  • Tuesday, 4 June: Older Persons Grant
  • Wednesday, 5 June: Disability Grants
  • Thursday, 6 June: Children's Grants

Positive News: SASSA Grant Increases Confirmed

During his 2024 Budget Speech, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana announced welcome news for Sassa grant recipients – an increase in grant values. This has since been confirmed by the Minister of Social Development.

SASSA Grant Values Effective June 2024

The table below details the revised grant values applicable from June 2024 onwards:


June 2024 Payment

Older Persons Grant


Older Persons Grant (Over 75) (including Additional Payment)

R2,180 + R20

War Veterans (including Additional Payment)

R2,180 + R20

Disability Grant


Care Dependency Grant


Foster Child Grant


Child Support Grant


Child Support Grant (Top-Up)

R530 + R260



SASSA Grant Collection Options

Sassa beneficiaries have the flexibility to choose their preferred method of grant collection. This includes having your grant deposited directly into your bank account for convenient access.

Alternatively, Sassa grants can also be collected at various designated points, including ATMs and retail stores like Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, and Boxer.

By understanding the payment schedule, grant value increases, and collection options, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free experience when receiving your Sassa grant in June 2024.

Suggested Article:

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Sassa can suspend your grant payment if you don't follow these instructions. Here's how to avoid the suspension of your Sassa grant. 




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