Sassa's Website Challenges Could Impact Millions


The agency responsible for distributing millions of grants every month has informed some of its beneficiaries that they may experience challenges accessing its website. These challenges could impact around 7 million people.




The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) distributes the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant to approximately 7.5 million people monthly. Beneficiaries of the grant routinely visit the SRD grant website for administrative purposes to ensure they keep receiving the critical relief measure. 

Sassa has revealed that the SRD grant website is having intermittent challenges which could have an impact on the ability of SRD grant beneficiaries to use the site and complete a Sassa status check. Sassa said their technical team is working to resolve the challenges. 

Please note that our SRD website is intermittently having challenges. The technical team is currently working on resolving the challenges as soon as possible. 

Individuals use the SRD grant website for several purposes related to the SRD grant. This includes applying for the grant, updating personal information, selecting a grant payment method, reinstating their grant or cancelling their grant. 

Individuals can also check the status of their grant application. This provides them with information on when they can collect their grant or the steps they should take if their application was rejected

We do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Sassa has apologised to beneficiaries for the inconvenience the intermittent challenges may cause them. 

The SRD grant’s implementation is set to conclude in March 2024. Several proposals are being considered by the government regarding the future of the grant including whether it will be made permanent or replaced with basic income support.

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Sassa office branch

Millions of South Africans depend on social grants. These grants are paid lout monthly to qualifying beneficiaries, but the payment process is not always consistent. 




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