Unisa Releases Institutional Audit Report To Address Corruption



In a recent development, the University of South Africa has released its Institutional Audit Report in response to an independent assessor report. This forms part of how the university plans to address the recommendations of the independent assessor report which has had the institution embroiled in a corruption and maladministration.



The report was received by the university's management in June 2023 and highlights the institution's commitment to quality education and access for all.

The Principal Vice-Chancellor of Unisa, Professor Puleng LenkaBula, encouraged the university community to engage with the Council on Higher Education (CHE) Unisa Institutional Audit Report.

This audit, conducted in April 2022, is an important peer review process that evaluates the quality assurance mechanisms of higher education institutions in South Africa.

The Institutional Audit Report acknowledged Unisa's quality provisioning and reaffirmed its role as a leading institution providing access to education for adult learners, professionals, and first-time students. 

It indicated that Unisa's academic project remains on track and plays a vital role in offering opportunities to individuals who may not have access to traditional contact universities.

When Unisa Intends To Implement Its Improvement Plan

While the report revealed that Unisa's quality arrangements in 10 out of 16 standards are functional, it also emphasised the need for focused attention in six standards. 

To address these recommendations, Unisa's Departments of Quality Assurance and Enhancement submitted a plan for an improvement plan (IP) to the CHE. The IP is expected to be submitted by the 30th of July 2023.

The improvement plan will outline how Unisa intends to address the recommendations for quality improvement highlighted in the audit report. Once approved by the CHE, the university will have one year to implement the policies, plans, and actions outlined in the IP. 

Progress will be closely monitored by the Institutional Audits Committee of the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), and follow-up site visits may be conducted if necessary.

Higher Education Department's Initial Response To The Report

In response to questions raised by the Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) Member of Parliament, Thapelo Mogale, the Minister of Higher Education, Blade Nzimande, confirmed that he received the independent assessor report on 12 June 2023. 

The Minister stated that he would consider the findings and recommendations of the report, along with Unisa's response and the interests of the university as per the prescripts of the Higher Education Act, before making a decision.

Over the past five years, the Department of Higher Education has provided support to Unisa management in addressing various challenges.

This support includes addressing accreditation issues, providing funding for campus safety and access projects, and intervening when student complaints, declining throughputs, and underspending of grants were not adequately addressed.

As Unisa progresses with its improvement plan and responds to the independent assessor report, the institution remains committed to upholding quality education and ensuring equal access to higher learning opportunities for all its students.

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The University of South Africa is once again in the spotlight for fraud and maladministration within the institution. The Minister of Higher Education has strongly criticised Unisa's failings, but is hopeful for change.




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