Employment Equity


In this article, we focus on the common errors employers should avoid when completing Employment Equity reports (EEA2 & EEA4) in South Africa. Times 3 Technologies shares insights into the intricacies of these essential reports, highlighting the importance of accuracy and compliance with the Employment Equity Act.

The Unemployment Insurance Fund provides benefits to people who are unable to work or have been left without employment for a number of reasons. While workers in formal sectors of employment are typically covered, you might be wondering if there are benefits for domestic workers. 

Even though the South African constitution is regarded as one of the most progressive in the world, LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning, and intersex) employees continue to experience discrimination and harassment.

It's not uncommon to find that someone is being mistreated at work and taking the step to do something about it could be difficult. We'll be answering the question: what should I do if I feel mistreated at work?

Victimisation is another common form of bullying and there are many different ways in which a worker can be victimised. Victimisation is one of the most serious problems you can encounter in the workplace.

We live in the global village and in a world that is more interdependent and interconnected than ever before. Businesses need to be aware of the fact that by simply hiring from only one demographic, they are missing out on talents, skills, insights and experiences which can prove to be valuable for the company's success.

Diversity in the workplace may be one of the most important factors in a business's success. A diverse workforce is more likely to understand your customers' needs and come up with ideas to fulfill them. 

Diversity is any difference among people that could have an effect on the success of a team. For example, differences of gender, ethnicity, and age are often cited as important types of diversity.

Case law is beginning to develop the South African labour law around unfair discrimination which has arisen since the introduction of the "equal pay for equal work" provisions of the Employment Equity Act (EEA) in 2014.

Policies are important and in place in the South African labour market to assist people with Down Syndrome and developmental disabilities in order to overcome challenges and be employed in the open labour market. 

In my previous article Mere Compliance with EE Act defeats its Objectives , I pointed out that the EE Act is silent about how an employer should go about its Section 

We all fear the unknown. Helen Keller said: “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” 

The employment equity and work opportunity targets for people with disabilities should increase to at least seven per cent by 2030 according to the Department of Social Development’s White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

When Stephen Hawking passed away last week, the world lost an incredible human being, someone who was able to look past his physical limitations and become one of the great thinkers of our time.

Entering the workforce, in any capacity, is an unnerving task. Add the stigmas attached to being a person with disabilities into the mix and the potential for negative employment process and ultimately experience.

The Employment Equity Act requires that all designated employers draw up an
employment equity plan with clear numerical targets for the employment and
promotion of people from designated groups and show the strategy that is to be
followed to achieve these.

How will the proposed changes to the Employment Equity clause on unfair
discrimination impact business? In part one of we look at the easiest and
fairest way to determine "equal pay for work of equal value?.

More than 40 proposed amendments to the various labour acts have already
passed through parliament. Over the next few weeks the Skills Portal will run
a series on these changes to help businesses prepare.

The Western Cape Government is seeking legal opinion on the
constitutionality of what it believes to be racially coercive Employment Equity
draft regulations.

Completing employment equity reports is perhaps one of the most cumbersome tasks for HR professionals, even for those who are keen to see transformation in the workplace. According to Dave Packer the right software can significantly simplify this process.




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