Do’s and Don'ts Of The 2022 Matric Exams


Grade 12 learners have just 45 days left before the 2022 Matric examinations get underway on Monday 31 October 2022. This important examination period influences the next steps of your academic journey and is therefore crucial not to record any irregularities.



The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has called on learners to avoid committing any irregularities in the upcoming National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations. Any irregularities will be investigated by the department and could jeopardise the candidates' results.

Once these investigations are completed, the DBE will be required to block the results of learners who were implicated in any irregularities related to the matric examinations. It's therefore important that learners follow all the rules during the upcoming NSC examinations.

Here's How To Avoid Irregularities In Your 2022 Matric Exams

 Arrive early for your examination.

Being early for your examination eliminates the stress of being in a rush and ensures you are in the correct frame of mind for the examination. It's also important to note that no learner can be admitted into the examination venue after the first hour of the start of the examination.

Always have your admission letter and identification document (ID) on your person.

These are crucial documents that may need to be verified during the examination.

Have all the necessary stationery needed for the examination

Pen, pencils, erasers, non-programmable calculators, rulers and specialist subject equipment (where a subject requires it) are permitted in matric examination

Make sure you are registered for the subject you are being tested on.

Learners need to ensure they have the correct question paper in front of them.  An example could be if you are registered for an English home, make sure you Do not have the English first additional language question paper.

Follow the general rules of exams

Do not try to find out what content will be covered in an examination before the exam.
Do not bring notes into the examination venue. (This includes crib notes, memorandums and other material that could be used to assist you during the exam.)
Do not copy from other candidates
Do not communicate with other candidates
Do not pretend to be another candidate/write an examination on behalf of other candidates
Do not behave in a manner that could be considered unruly/disruptive
Do not disobey the instructions of the invigilators
Do not remove your script or answer sheet from the exam venue

The 2022 Matric Exam Timetable is available to allow learners to plan and prepare for the crucial exam. The DBE also made several resources available to assist matriculants prepare for the upcoming Grade 12 examinations.





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