Does Feenix Cover Unisa Courses?



As the new academic year commences in a matter of days, many prospective students at UNISA will worry about funding their tertiary education. Here’s some advice, returning students I hope that you’re listening too.



As the new academic year commences in a matter of days, many prospective students at UNISA will worry about funding their tertiary education. One way that students can receive funding is by signing up for Feenix. 

Unisa is one of the 26 universities in South Africa that are accommodated by Feenix for funding. 

Feenix pays for any field of study, as long as the student is in financial need and is open for assistance. The Feenix crowdfunding platform believes that students who already face significant barriers in accessing & completing their studies (including financial, socio-economical, mental health, lack of support network) are the types of people that they want to impact positively.

Students can use the Feenix platform to fundraise for their student debt, whether they are full-time or part-time students.

With more than 400 000 students at Unisa, some of them are employed full time.

In such cases, the individuals are welcomed to fundraise for their historical student debt on the platform, as long as their combined household income is under R600 000 per year.

Should you not meet this criterion, but wish to dispute, please forward your concerns by contacting the Feenix Platform at [email protected].

As we all know, like any other university, Unisa has international students studying at the university - they are also eligible to use the platform for funding only if they have the following statuses:

  • Permanent resident
  • Asylum seeker
  • Refugee

If you are registered as an international student but are a refugee or asylum seeker student, please contact Feenix at [email protected] for assistance.

Students are also urged to join in, it does not matter in which year of study the student is in, and postgraduate degrees are also included on the Feenix platform.

For more information, visit the Feenix website by clicking here.




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