Sassa Releases New May 2023 Grant Payment Dates


Sassa announced on Friday Morning that the grant payment schedule for the month of May has had a few changes. It is important for beneficiaries to know their Sassa grant payment dates.



The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) grant payment collections will take place soon and beneficiaries will need to take note of upcoming Sassa grant payment dates as Sassa has recently made changes to the payment schedule.

Sassa released a statement on Friday morning which read:

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) would like to notify all social grant recipients of critical changes which have been made to the payment schedule for May 2023.

The latest Sassa grant payment schedule for May is as follows:

  • Older Persons Grants: 4 May 2023
  • Disability Grants: 5 May 2023
  • Children's Grants: 8 May 2023

Sassa previously released the Sassa grant payment dates for 2023/24 and has made it clear that, as of right now, these changes are the only ones taking place.

Sassa has also stated that if there are any other changes made to the grant payment schedule, it will be communicated in due course by Sassa.

The agency has encouraged individuals receiving social grants to make use of their cards when making purchases rather than taking out all withdrawing all their Sassa money.

"Furthermore, social grant recipients are requested to be patient and not rush to withdraw their money from their accounts, as their money will remain available in their accounts until they are ready to withdraw," read the statement.

If individuals have difficulty withdrawing their payment during the initial days after release, Sassa has assured that the grant money will always be available for withdrawal.

The agency has also apologised for any inconvenience or annoyance the changes may have brought to grant recipients.

How Sassa Grants Are Paid

Beneficiaries can collect their money at several retail stores including Pick N Pay, Boxer, Usave, Shoprite and Checkers.

Beneficiaries can opt for direct payment of their grant from Sassa into their bank account, as it provides them with the flexibility to access the funds whenever they need them.

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