Why do Setas exist?


Despite the negative publicity that sometimes surrounds Seta activities these
skills development bodies could bring about positive results for workers, the
unemployed and marginalised groups if the initial intention of Setas is carried



There is much publicity about the challenges facing or caused by Sector
Education and Training Authorities (Setas) yet many people are unaware or
unclear about the true function and purpose of Setas.

Four years after the first democratic election was held the Skills Development Act
(SDA) was promulgated. The year 1998 signalled a turning point in the education
landscape and the SDA was confirmation that South Africa understood the value
and necessity of developing its workforce.
The act laid out various aims which centred on promoting skills development
by increasing investment in education and training. It called on employers to
play a more proactive role in building skills inside and outside the workplace,
while encouraging workers to participate in training programmes.
The SDA also redirected the focus to obtaining a return on investment and
ensuring quality education and training. Finally, it emphasised the need to
improve the employment prospects of previously disadvantaged groups.

Setas were subsequently established to execute these aims. Setas have
undergone restructuring over the years and have been narrowed down from 25
to the existing 21 Seta bodies.

The Setas represent every sector and trade in the country, and organisations
are required to interact with the Seta that relates to their business operations.
These stakeholder bodies have boards made up of employer and trade union
representatives in order to streamline the national skills plan and identify
industry needs.
The entities are established through a levy grant system where a
percentage of the national skills levy paid by employers is used to fund Seta
80% of the skills levy is awarded to the Seta while the remaining 20% goes
to the National Skills Fund which was created to finance training for
disadvantaged groups - particularly the unemployed.

Mandatory grants are paid to compliant employers who submit their workplace
skills plan and annual training reports as required by the Grant Regulations.
Discretionary Grants are also awarded by the Setas to fund skills related
programmes like learnerships and apprenticeships.
This levy system is intended to create an incentive for employers to train
and support training and to supply information about the training needs in each
The role of Setas continues to evolve as the skills development landscape
necessitates and it is in the process of refining its intermediary role between
business, industry and higher education and training institutions.

Minister of Higher Education and Training, Blade Nzimande, has emphasised
the need for stakeholders to work together to further the skills development
agenda and Setas are central to this cause.

Source: Department of Higher Education and Training, government gazette, no 36747

For more information click on the SETA below to visit the website.

AGRISETA (Agricultural SETA )
CETA (Construction SETA)
CHIETA (Chemical Industries SETA)

CATHSETA (Culture Arts, Tourism,
Hospitality and Sports SETA)
ETDPSETA (Education Training and
Development Practices SETA)
EWSETA (Energy and Water Sector
Education and Training Authority)
FPMSETA (Fibre, Processing and
Manufacturing SETA)
FOODBEV (Food and Beverage
Manufacturing Industry SETA)
FASSET SETA (Financial and
Accounting Services SETA)
HWSETA (Health and Welfare SETA)

INSETA (Insurance SETA)
LGSETA (Local Government SETA)

MICTSETA (Media, Advertising,
Information and Communication Technologies SETA)
MERSETA (Manufacturing,
Engineering and Related Services SETA)
MQASETA (Mining Qualifications
MICT (Media, Advertising,
Information and Communication Technologies SETA)
PSETA (Public Service SETA)
SASSETA (Safety and Security SETA)

TETA (Transport SETA)
WandRSETA (Wholesale and Retail




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