A Guide On Filling Out The Z83 Form


The cost of looking for a job creates a barrier for many job seekers. However, a recent announcement by the South African government, could see these costs cut for job seekers.




The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) announced that job applicants are no longer required to submit certified copies of their educational qualifications and other relevant documents on their applications. 

This will cut the price of looking for a job when applying to work for the state. 

In 2019, the South African government employed around 13% of all workers in the country in national, provincial and local government departments, universities, technikons and extra-budgetary institutions.  

The State also employed 1.2 million full-time equivalent employees in the 2018/19 financial year. This does not include temporary workers who receive fewer than 12 salaries per year. 

Here’s A Guide To Completing A Z83 Form 

  1. Download a Z83 Form by Clicking Here 
  2. You will then have to print it out to fill it in
  3. Fill in the relevant fields fully 
  • Part A contains the details of the Advertised Post. 
  • Part B requires all your personal information. 
  • Part C requires your contact details and preferred medium of communication.
  • Part D requires you to list your formal qualifications from highest to the lowest.
  1. Fill in parts E, F and G. These sections have limited space. Applicants are allowed to indicate “see attached’ Curriculum Vitae (CV), as long as the CV is attached with all the required information. 
  2. Sign the declaration that all the information you provided, including any attachments, is complete and correct to the best of your knowledge. 
  3. Don't forget to put your initials on every page in the bottom right corner where it says 'Initial:..........'
  4. Make sure you attach all the documentation. 
  5. You will have been given an address for which you will need to hand deliver or post the completed form. 

Applicants must use the latest Z83 form for employment issues. Applicants who fail to do this will be disqualified.

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