Where To Find The Latest Government Job Vacancies



In 2021, it was revealed that the South African government employed more than 1,3 million people. The government employs teachers, nurses, doctors, municipal workers, police officers and defense force members. Many people often wonder where they can find the latest government job vacancies so they can apply to work for the government. 



As the largest employer in the country, the government always has job vacancies that people can apply for. Government job vacancies are available in sectors such as Education, Health, Labour, Public Administration, Law Enforcement, and Environmental Protection, among others. 

Government jobs not only offer workers competitive salaries but also come with essential benefits and job security. 

Why People Apply For Government Jobs

Government jobs are also highly sought after as government workers enjoy several benefits that may not always be available for people working in the private sector. 

The benefits of a government job may include healthcare benefits from the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) medical aid, pension fund contributions, housing funds, and 13th paycheck. 

Where To Find Government Jobs 

Government job advertisements can be found on the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) website. They publish the public services circular weekly, which contains information about the latest job vacancies available in national government departments. 

This includes Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development vacancies, Forestry, Fisheries and Environment vacancies, Government Communication and Information System vacancies, Government Technical Advisory Centre vacancies and Higher Education vacancies. 

Home Affairs vacancies, Justice and Constitutional Development vacancies, Mineral Resources and Energy vacancies, Office of the Chief Justice vacancies, Public Enterprises vacancies, Public Service and Administration vacancies can also be found in the public service circular. 

The circular may also include Public Works and Infrastructure vacancies, Science and Innovation vacancies, Small Business Development vacancies, Transport vacancies and Water and Sanitation vacancies. 

You can also find Provincial Administration job vacancies for the Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape. 

The Careers Portal also lists all the latest government job vacancies available in South Africa

The Z83 Form  

In South Africa, if you want to work for the government, you'll most likely be required to complete a Z83 form. This form assists the employer, in this case, the government, to pick the right people for the job and make sure all job applicants have a fair chance. 

What's the Z83 Form for?

The Z83 form is extremely important because it helps the employer see if you're a good fit for the job. You need to tell them about yourself, your education, your work experience, and why you want the job.

You will be required to indicate your first and surname, date of birth, identity number, race, gender and nationality. 

This information is required to enable the department to comply with the Employment Equity Act, 1998.

The form also requires you to indicate whether you have a valid work permit, whether you have been convicted of a criminal offence or if you’ve been dismissed from a previous employment. 

You will also be required to indicate language proficiency levels and contact information. 

Applicants with substantial qualifications or work experience must attach a CV.

You will also be required to sign a declaration indicating that all the information you provided (including any attachments) is complete and correct to the best of your knowledge. The declaration also states that you understand that any false information supplied in the Z83 form could lead to your application being disqualified or your discharge if you are appointed. 

Applicants will also be required to include the reference number of the vacancy in their applications. If applicants need more information about a specific advertised position, they should contact the department responsible for that vacancy directly.

Please note that inquiries regarding job postings should not be directed to the Department of Public Service and Administration.

How to Get the Z83 Form

You can find the Z83 on government websites, get it from government offices, or ask the Human Resources people in government departments. They try to make it easy for you by offering both online and paper versions.

Government departments requiring you to fill out a Z83 form usually have a deadline. Make sure you send in your Z83 form before the deadline as forms submitted after the deadline are often not considered. 

It's important to note that the Z83 form requires basic information. Candidates who are selected for interviews will be requested to furnish additional certified information that may be required to make a final selection.


Suggested Article:

South African government jobs.

The South African Government currently employs around 13% of the country’s workforce. These positions not only offer competitive salaries, but also come with essential benefits and job security. 




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