The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) distributes more than 18 million permanent grants to vulnerable individuals living in South Africa every month. These individuals rely on these Sassa grant payments, which allow them to purchase basic goods and access essential services.
The R350 grant was temporarily introduced to assist those who lost economic opportunities and were adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In order to qualify for this grant, all candidates must be unemployed, be between the ages of 18 and 59 years old and earn less than R624 per month.
How To Do A Sassa Status Check
Sassa has urged all applicants to regularly check their application status, as they may request additional information or documentation to be submitted.
Here’s how to check your grant application status:
- Go to the SASSA SRD grant website
- Scroll down to 'Application status'
- Click on 'Click here to check online'
- Fill in the required fields
- You should then be able to see the status of your R350 grant application
Should applications require additional assistance,with tracking their status, they can also contact the SASSA call centre on 0800 601 011.
Furthermore, the agency has reminded applicants that if their application is rejected, they have submit an appeal should they feel that the reason is invalid.
This appeal process sees Sassa re-evaluate the unsuccessful application.
How to submit a SASSA grant appeal
- Visit The ITSAA Website
- Enter Your Identification Number
- Enter The Cell Phone Number You Used During The Application Process
- Click Send “Pin”
- Once you receive the pin, you will be required to insert it and click “Submit”
- Select the month that you are appealing for
- Secret the drop-down arrow to choose the reason for your appeal application from the options provided
- Click “Submit” to complete the appeal application process
How SRD Grant Appeals Work
All R350 grant appeals are administered by the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance (ITSAA) and are intended exclusively for SRD grant beneficiaries.
According to Sassa, the ITSAA uses various databases to verify information provided by appeal applicants to verify their eligibility for the grant. The databases are used to confirm personal information and income information as well.
Once the Independent Tribunal has processed your appeal, they will inform you of the outcome of your appeal electronically, within a period of 60-90 days from the lodging of the appeal.
To find out more about Sassa grants, including the R350 grant, head to our Sassa section.