Sassa Grant Payments For September Commence


The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has officially started distributing the September 2024 social grants to millions of eligible beneficiaries across the country. This monthly financial assistance is a lifeline for countless South Africans who rely on these grants to meet their basic needs.



The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) has started paying out social grants for September 2024. Over 18 million South Africans will receive their permanent grant payments during the first week of the month.

Sassa offers financial assistance to millions of vulnerable South Africans. These Sassa grants include:

  • Older Persons Pension Grant
  • Disability Grant
  • War Veterans Grant
  • Care Dependency Grant
  • Foster Child Grant
  • Child Support Grant
  • Child Support Grant Top-Up  
  • Grant-in-aid 

Sassa Payment Dates for September 2024

  • Older Persons Grant: September 3, 2024
  • Disability Grants: September 4, 2024
  • Children's Grants: September 5, 2024

Sassa grants will not be paid on public holidays or weekends. If a payment date falls on a non-business day, it will be made on the following weekday.

How to Receive Your Sassa Grant

Sassa beneficiaries have two options for receiving their grants:

  1. Direct Deposit: The recommended method is to have your grant automatically deposited into your bank account. This ensures your money is safe until you need it.
  2. Cash Withdrawal: You can also collect your grant in cash from various locations, including ATMs, Pick n Pay, Checkers, Shoprite, and Boxer stores.

There's no need to rush to withdraw your grant immediately. It will remain in your account until you need it.

There is no need to rush to withdraw cash on the first day. Once the money is in the account, it will remain there until it is needed.  

Sassa Grant Payment Values For September

  • Older Persons grant - R2,180
  • Older Persons (75 years and older) - R2,200
  • Disability grant - R2,180
  • War Veterans grant - R2,200
  • Care Dependency grant - R2,180
  • Foster Care grant - R1,180
  • Child Support grant - R530
  • Child Support grant (Top-up) - R530 + R250
  • SRD Grant - R370

Another Sassa Increase Coming Soon

The Finance Minister said that to keep up with inflation and increase access, Sassa grants will be increased in April and October. The next Sassa grant increase will take place on 1 October.

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Sassa speaking about grants

Millions of financially vulnerable people rely on social grant payments to survive every month. Sassa has warned members of the public about fake messages about the Grant-in-aid. 




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