Des Squire
The end of year exams has concluded for students at South Africa's largest university. Here's what students can do if they are unsatisfied with their Unisa exam results.
In order to be effective at work we must start by realizing and admitting we have both strengths and weaknesses. Both issue impact either negatively or positively on our work and ability to work effectively.
There is a need for assessors and moderators to be qualified and registered. Many in the education sector seem to overlook the distinction between these two terms.
Much has been said recently in the press and other forms of media on the subject of racism. What is of concern to me is what appears to be a lack of understanding as to what exactly racism is.
There is a saying “knowledge is bliss” but is it really? Knowledge of itself is great to have and can be of tremendous value but knowledge of itself is useless unless it is used, brings about change and leads to transformation.
The terms performance appraisal and performance management are often used interchangeably, but is there a difference?
When it comes to assessment some providers and assessors forget what the process of assessment is, resulting in a slip shod approach to the assessment of learner results.
According to the Code of Good Practice on EE in human resources a job description should outline clearly the requirement of the job. This is what an employee must know in order to be able to perform the functions and duties of the position to which they are appointed.
There are four crucial tools that can be used to develop and empower employees in
the workplace. Des Squire discusses the differences between coaching, counselling,
training and mentoring.
Recent changes to the Employment Equity act will have an impact on many
employers in some way or other. The main changes seem to indicate that
discrimination against women is the main target particularly when it comes to issues
of equal pay for equal work.
Many members of workplace committees have no idea what's expected of them. They
have been elected as members of the committee or have simply been appointed by
management and their role and responsibilities are totally unclear.
Meetings for whatever reason can be of great benefit when conducted
correctly and effectively. They afford us great opportunities for sharing ideas
and thoughts while at the same time are essential for the management of
group and team activity.
South Africa has a legacy of discrimination in relation to race, gender, disability and other diversity issues. Over the years this has denied the majority of South Africans access to opportunities for education, employment, promotion and wealth creation.
There are four essentials qualities that every leader must posses in order to
succeed. A lack in any of these areas will lead to direct failure says Des
South Africa is in need of educated, qualified and experienced people with the
right skills to assist in growing the economy, and FET Colleges provide a
platform for training young people in these critical skills.
Effective performance management can reduce disciplinary hearings. However, many
managers are managers in name only and have no idea what is involved, what they
should be doing or how to do it, especially when it comes to creating a productive
Assessment is the process of making judgments about an individual's competence by
matching evidence of their performance to the appropriate outcomes. Assessors need
to have certain skills and expertise in order to judge competently.
The number of companies who lose their cases at the CCMA due to employer errors
and managers lack of knowledge is shocking. Des Squire talks about the purpose of
company policies and procedures.
Disciplinary procedures can often have a negative impact when dealing with employee behavioural issues. Counselling instead focuses on behavioural improvements in rectifying an employees actions and making the person aware of the correct policy guidelines.
What does it mean to delegate? Managers provide a framework and structure for employees when using the correct delegation techniques. Different elements are listed that should be considered when communicating instructions. Effective tools are also discussed to align your business and peers when managing.
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