Here's When Gauteng's School Admission Applications Will Close


The Gauteng Education Department opened its online admissions application cycle for the 2024 school year. Parents and caregivers have been encouraged to submit their applications as soon as they can to secure a place at a school in the province.




When inland schools reopened schools for the 2023 school year, Gauteng's Shadow MEC of Education, Khume Ramulifho pointed out that their team witnessed scenes of chaos and frustration as school learners were not yet placed.

To be able to avoid this in the upcoming school year, the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) has advised parents and caregivers to apply for admission for 2024 early.

The department officially opened the Gauteng 2024 Online Admission Application period for learners who will be attending Grade 1 or Grade 8 during the 2024 school year on 15 June. 

When will this application period end? Well, in a statement, GDE announced:

The admission application period will close on 14 July 2023. 

This indicates that parents that will be submitting admission applications for their children have less than a month left to do so.

The Education Department will also operate several Decentralised Walk-in Centres, which parents can visit to receive assistance with the submission of the admission application. These centres will be operational from 8am until 4pm.

Although parents can apply to a maximum of five public schools in the province, they have been encouraged to submit a school admission application to one school near their home and they can use the Home Option on the GDE website to view the schools in the feeder zone. 

Here’s How You Can Submit Your Gauteng School Application

Step 1: Register Parent/Guardian details

Step 2: Add the Parent/Guardian’s address 

Step 3: Register Learner's Details 

Step 4: Apply to Schools 

Step 5: Upload Documents

Here's How 2024 School Admission Applications Will Work

Gauteng Education Minister Matome Chiloane revealed that parents would no longer be submitting applications using the two-phased approach method.

As the department’s online system has received new improvements, Chiloane has explained that admissions would follow a single application process which means parents applying for Grades 1 and Grade 8 will all apply at the same time.

In recent school years, parents have been complaining about the system not being helpful and sometimes slowing down and not allowing them to re-enter the system.

Fortunately, the Gauteng Education applications system will now take up to 40 000 applications within a minute.

The department has assured parents that the 2024 online admission process will be seamless and that their children will be admitted without any problems.

Parents have also been advised not to use internet cafés when applying online for placement for their children as they are not reliable.

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GDE Applications

The Gauteng Department of Education has officially opened the Online Admission Application period for the 2024 school year. All parents and care givers are encouraged to submit applications early to avoid disappointment.




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