SASSA R350 Grant Payment Days For November


SASSA payment days for the month of November are now available for all beneficiaries of the R350 grant. The South African Post Office recently release a payment schedule. 



SASSA payment days for the month of November are now available for beneficiaries of the R350 grant, as the South African Post Office recently released a payment schedule. 
Unlike SASSA's permanent grants, the R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant is a temporary grant that does not have a set payment date.
Instead, beneficiaries of the R350 grant are only allowed to collect their grant payments on days of the week that other grants are not being paid out. SASSA rolls out the payment of the R350 grant by using the last 3 digits of the ID numbers of beneficiaries. 
Now that the payment dates of SASSA's permanent grants have passed, here are the R350 grant payment days for the month of November: 

Mondays: 084 & 089
Tuesdays: 080 & 085
Wednesdays: 081 & 086
Thursdays: 082 & 087
Fridays: 083 & 088

The grant can be collected using a number of other methods, ranging from bank account payments that are made straight into your bank account to payments that can be collected at PicknPay or Boxer stores around the country.
The Post Office has encouraged beneficiaries to make use of the PicknPay and Boxer stores option that was recently introduced as a grant payment method. 
How to collect your SRD grant at Pick n Pay or Boxer stores:
Step 1: You must receive an SMS from SASSA confirming your successful application.
Step 2: You will then receive an SMS message from SASSA confirming the collection point and advising on the day of collection.
Step 3: You must take your ID and physical cellphone along to the store when collecting your R350 SRD grant.
Step 4: You will then enter your ID number and the registered SASSA cellphone number at the till point to confirm the funds are available for collection.
Step 5: You will immediately receive a USSD message, which you must approve on your cell phone before the cash is handed over.
“Qualified beneficiaries get paid monthly, payment dates are reflected on the system and can be checked at Beneficiaries are reminded that this grant is not meant for people who are employed, receive alternative income or registered from the UIF and NSFAS system,” SASSA said.
Beneficiaries who need more information about the grant or their applications can contact SASSA's toll free number by calling 0800 60 10 11 or 013 574 9428/9363. The number is available from 08:00 – 16:00 during weekdays on Monday to Friday.





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