Assessment of unit standards and qualifications has been described has been described as the process of measuring applied competence by collecting and interpreting evidence of learning.
Marlene Burden, from Khulisane Academy (a dynamic Skills Development Solutions Provider) adds that 'competence in SAQA?s terms (SA?s Qualification?s Authority) is the combination of practical competence (skill), foundational competence (knowledge), and reflexive competence (understanding / ability to apply understanding in various circumstances).'
An assessor is someone registered by the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance (ETQA) body to measure competence against specified National Qualifications Framework (NQF) unit standards and qualifications. A moderator is employed to umpire these assessments, and to ensure that the results are fair, valid and reliable.
Burden explains: "The assessor has an important role in the conduct of outcomes based assessment. The assessor must be competent in terms of recognised national standards, and have the appropriate expertise and recognition in the area being assessed.
"The role of the assessor is to:
1.) Plan for the assessment.
2.) Prepare the candidate for the assessment.
3.) Conduct the assessment according to established assessment principles and decide whether the candidate is competent or not yet competent.
4.) Collect evidence of the candidate?s performance.
5.) Evaluate and judge the evidence.
6.) Record the assessment decision.
7.) Provide feedback to the candidate.
8.) Complete all documentation and forward to the ETQA.
9.) Regularly review the assessment process and implement changes as and when required.
10.) Comply with all moderation and ETQA requirements.'
Assessor training opens up opportunities for individuals to work as assessors. There is demand for assessors to work in large companies, and there are opportunities for assessors to work as consultants - providing assessment services on a contractual basis.
Generally, an assessor is responsible for judging the competence of a learner in meeting required standards. In a South African context, an assessor is registered by the relevant ETQA body (Education and Training Qualifications Assurance) in order to measure specific National Qualifications Framework (NQF) standards and qualifications.
A moderator, on the other hand, is responsible for ensuring that the principles of quality assurance are applied and maintained during the assessment, and that the learning outcomes are achieved. In some cases a verifier may evaluate the moderation process.
According to noted Assessor, Daryl Mclean, assessors and moderators are a key source of information about results, and it?s crucial that companies have confidence in the validity and reliability of their decisions. A focus on analysing results is perhaps the most important step in improving the quality of education and training in South Africa.
For more information on assessor and moderator training, please view the Skills Portal Training Directory.