Training Categories


The Skills Portal gives you access to over 200 skills training companies, also known as training providers, in South Africa. These skills and training providers offer over 14,000 different training courses and training programs.

The end of year exams has concluded for students at South Africa's largest university. Here's what students can do if they are unsatisfied with their Unisa exam results. 

Good leaders seem to be in short supply. What does it take to be a leader that others can respect and emulate? Here are ten easy to follow tips to becoming the leader you want to be.

When assessing employed individuals undergoing training, applying the principles of assessment becomes especially important to ensure that the training is effective, relevant, and adaptable to their professional context. Assessment College shares with us their 11 principles of assessment.

A skills development facilitator is responsible for the planning, implementation and reporting of training in an organisation, with Seta- related duties.

Do you fancy an exciting training programme in the manufacturing industry that will future-proof your career? Apply for the Production Technologies Association of SA’s (PtSA) Toolmaker Artisan Training Programme.

Most people tend to avoid disagreements in the workplace and even more so with a senior colleague. Here's how to tackle a disagreement with someone senior to you in your workplace.

Leading pan-African law firm, Bowmans, suggests eight steps for business to take to ensure compliance with the new POPI Act. 

In July 2016, The Mindspa Institute, a soft skills training company, presented the Business and Report Writing course at their training centre in Johannesburg. The delegates were mainly from the PG Building Glass Finance department.

Many employees dream of being a leader, but it isn't always an easy road to get there. Making the transition to a manager or a leader can be made a lot easier by focusing on developing skills that are vital for good leadership.

Leadership is a key ingredient to success within a company. The leaders are the ones who can make or break the business and are transformational when necessary.

It seems like every account of a successful startup features the same descriptions. Working endless hours, weekends, late nights and never taking any time off. You may believe this is the best way to run a business, but it's not.

The engineering sector is a wide and varied field, giving potential engineers many career options. There are multiple different types of engineers, from electrical and computer to marine and aerospace. The vast range of career options within the engineering field means that there is an area of specialisation that allows prospective engineers to choose an area that interests them. 

Would you like to become an artisan? What is an artisan? There is a huge demand for qualified artisans in South Africa and now is a good time to pursue this line of work. But what is an artisan? Let's find out.

Training and development can be described as "an educational process which involves the sharpening of skills, concepts, changing of attitude and gaining knowledge”.

Many people think that being a manager is an easy job, however, if it was that simple, wouldn't everyone be doing it?

Your team may be lacking energy and perhaps you're looking to increase their motivation and productivity. This is not done by giving your staff energy drinks first thing in the morning. Contrary to popular belief, Red Bull doesn't give you actual wings and no, you will not be able to fly through the work day keeping everything intact.

The hiring process is a complicated one. And for good reason. You obviously want the best employees so that your business can succeed. This is why you check potential candidates’ references, take a thorough look at their CVs and interview them more than once. You want to be sure that you’re choosing the best person for the job and not just someone who can quickly fill a role. 

We all have crucial conversation moments, in the workplace, at home and in social gatherings. Here's how you should tackle these crucial conversations.

Are you looking to improve or gain new skills this year? Here are some good management training courses you may want to consider signing up for.

According to a survey of time use conducted by Stats SA, South Africans spend roughly 121 minutes per day participating in meetings, which amounts to over 10 hours a week – a quarter of the average 40 hour work week. This wouldn’t be a problem if all these hours spent in meetings were somewhat productive or resulted in billable action down the line. However, due to vague agendas, misaligned objectives or a general lack of focus among attendees, this is seldom the case.




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