How UIF Online Declarations Work



A loss of income can be extremely difficult for everyone involved, as your expenses will remain the same but no money will be available to cover them. A fund in South Africa provides temporary assistance to individuals who have lost their income.




The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) provides temporary financial support to workers who have become unemployed or to workers that are unable to work due to several circumstances. 

Temporary financial support is provided to employees who took maternity leave, adoption leave, parental leave or have become ill. The UIF also provides this assistance to dependents of deceased UIF contributors

Employees who work for more than 24 hours per month are required to make contributions to the UIF. The value of their monthly contribution to the UIF is equivalent to 2% of their monthly remuneration. The employee will contribute 1% and the remaining 1% will be contributed by the employer. 

The employer is responsible for deducting the employee’s UIF contribution for their salary and paying it to the UIF along with their contribution. 

Employers are required to submit a monthly UIF declaration to the Department of Employment and Labour. These declarations contain information relating to the UIF contributions of each employee. 

How To Submit A Declaration On Ufiling 

Step 1: Visit the Ufiling web page at 

Step 2: Log in to your uFiling account by entering your username and password 

Step 3: Select “Declarations Manager”

Step 4: Click on the employee's name

Step 5: Click on “View Declarations”

Your declarations grid will now be displayed

Step 6: Click on “View” to see the return values 

Step 7: Click on “Open Declaration” in the return values popup 

Step 8: Click on “Edit/View” to edit any declaration issues shown 

When you have completed this step, click on “View Declarations” 

Step 9: To submit your declaration, Click on “View” then click on “Submit Declaration” in the popup

Step 10: Click on “Yes” to confirm you are sure you want to submit your declaration. 

Step 11: Click on “Yes” to continue with the declaration submission 

Step 12: Click on “Okay”

Step 13: Click on “Calculate Declarations” 

If your declaration grid turns green, it means that your declaration has been successfully submitted. A red declaration grid is indicative of an issue with the declaration.


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The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) has been the saving grace for many South Africans in times of unemployment. Given the continuing employment crisis in the country, it is essential that unemployed former workers know how to collect their UIF payouts.

The Unemployment Insurance Fund has been the saving grace for many South Africans in times of unemployment. Given the continuing employment crisis in the country, it is essential that unemployed former workers know how to collect their UIF payouts.




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