Requirements For The Funza Lushaka Bursary For Returning Bursars


The upcoming academic year means that attaining or retaining student funding has become a priority for tertiary students. This is more so the case for returning beneficiaries of the Funza Lushaka Bursary. Here are the specified requirements.





The Funza Lushaka Bursary Scheme is a component of a nationwide initiative that was started to promote teaching as a career. In addition to a monthly living expenditure stipend, it often covers tuition costs, lodging, food, books, and educational supplies.

The bursary scheme’s application window is currently open with an already confirmed application closing deadline on 30 November 2022. Equally important to note for existing and returning recipients of the bursary is adhering to the specified requirements.

The returning applicant or benefiting student must have completed all of the course programmes they studied in the academic year preceding their application for the bursary at their respective higher education institution.

 At least a 55% average across all the modules studied in the applicant’s last year of study at a Higher Education Institution.   
The student must have at least 66. 6% average in modules studied or taken as majors in the applicant’s last year of study at university which relate directly to the priority subject area of teaching specialisation. 

Considering that the application closing deadline is still several weeks away, those who are keen on submitting their applications can do so using the step listed below:

How To Submit Your Funza Lushaka Application

  • Open the e-Gov portal
  • Register by providing your personal information
  • Log in to the system using the username and password created when registering
  • On the e-Services Menu, select Funza Lushaka Bursary Scheme
  • Enter the OTP received on the preferred channel
  • Accept the Terms and Conditions
  • On the dashboard, menu click on the 2023 application button
  • Follow the steps to complete the required field with your information

Accept the declaration to confirm the information captured. After submitting your online application, you'll undoubtedly want to keep track of it. The e-Gov website makes it feasible to do this The applicants must meet the conditions listed below to be eligible for the bursary.

  • Must be 30 years old or younger
  • Have no other teaching qualifications
  • Must be a South African citizen with a valid South African ID number
  • Good academic ability

Applications can only be done online. paper applications won't be accepted. Applications for new students and bursars must be submitted by Monday, 16 January 2023. Each year that they are enrolled to study, bursars must reapply for the Funza Lushaka bursary.

In this case, re-applications for current/returning bursars will consequently end on 28 November 2022, one day before the start of new applications.




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