How do I write a unit standard?
How do we develop, submit and register qualifications?
What curriculum model and approach is appropriate for my field of study and how exactly can I develop curricula to better inform and shape qualifications and unit standards?
In only 3-days, IPD will teach, guide and support
you to develop 'Qualifications, Unit Standards and Curricula'.
Whether you are part of a Standards Generating Body (SGB) a Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) or a professional body and need to develop qualifications and/or unit standards; this learning programme will fast track your work.
This learning programme will assist you to adopt a suitable approach and model to shape (or refine) a curriculum, whole qualification(s) and/or unit standards for the sector /industry you serve.
The Institute of People Development (IPD) developed this accredited learning programme for SGB and SETA stakeholders to be better equipped to make meaningful contributions to standards and qualification development processes.
The programme also serves National Diploma in Occupationally-directed Education, Training and Development Practices (OD-ETDP) candidates needing the credits associated with this programme toward proving competence against this qualification.
The Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and the Organizing Framework for Occupations (OFO) will significantly influence the future of qualification and unit standards design and development.
This IPD learning programme will demystify the issues and assist you to design and develop fit-for-purpose curricula, generic qualifications and unit standards for the new and emerging ETD quality assurance landscape in South Africa.
Contact Leon or Sylvia for more information on 0860 347 347 or (011) 315-2913