ETD practitioners: Learning from the experts


"An ETD practitioner is an individual who is typically involved in one or more education, training and development-related activities within an organisation, " says Ghawa Latib, ETD Practitioner at Omni HR Consulting.   



"An ETD practitioner is an individual who is typically involved in one or more education, training and development-related activities within an organisation, " says Ghawa Latib, ETD Practitioner at Omni HR Consulting.

These duties may include skills development planning, designing and development of learning solutions, facilitation, assessment, moderation, coaching, evaluation, quality management and reporting. Through these activities the practitioner aims to ensure that learning needs have been met and that the learning has had the intended impact on the organisation.

"It is important to remember that, some ETD practitioners may be spending a reasonable amount of time in each activity whilst others may have dedicated roles within the cycle," explains Latib.

What do I need to become an ETD practitioner?

"Anyone with a passion and the expertise for the subject they wish to teach can become an ETD Practitioner."

ETD practitioners are generally specialists in their field of instruction. "It goes without saying that you need to know, and be able to do well, what you wish to teach others to know and do."

Latib underlines some of the traits that characterise this role. According to her ETD practitioners are:

  • Subject matter experts
  • Life-long learners
  • Critical thinkers
  • Problem solvers
  • Able to execute interpersonal communication
  • Self-disciplined

"An exceptional ETD practitioner needs to be a well-rounded individual with a range of foundational, practical and reflexive competencies related not only to their area of expertise but also to the art of pedagogy itself, " says Latib.

This is what you can develop by embarking on and applying yourself to attaining an ETD Practitioner qualification at Omni HR Consulting.

"Over and above this, you need to be flexible and teachable, a rare characteristic that takes commitment, practice and time to harness and develop. "

For more information on our Occupationally-Directed Education, Training and Development Practices qualifications, please click on one of the links below or email our team at: [email protected]

National Certificate in ODETDP

National Diploma in ODETDP




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