The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) evaluates grant applications to ensure that potential beneficiaries are deserving of the grant they are applying for.
The Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant was introduced to assist unemployed people between the ages of 18-years-old and 59-years-old. This age cohort of individuals receive no other governmental support.
More than 14 million people applied for the SRD grant. Banking details are used by Sassa as part of the verification process. They also have banking accounts to see if you have an alternative income of more than R595 per month.
It is therefore important that you upload your banking details. If you do not upload your banking details, you will receive the ‘Bank Details Pending’ SRD grant status.
Here's what you should do about the ‘Bank Details Pending’ SRD status.
Step 1: visit Sassa’s SRD website by CLICKING HERE
Step 2: Scroll to 'How do I change my banking details'
Step 3: Submit your ID Number
Step 4: An SMS containing a secure link, unique to you, will be sent to the mobile phone number with which you registered during application
Step 5: Click on the link in the SMS
Step 6: Follow the instructions carefully
Sassa evelutes SRD grant eligibility on a monthly basis. This means that you may be rejected for the SRD grant for this month even though you were previously accepted.