Everything To Know About A Nsfas Appeal



The National Student Financial Aid Scheme, what we know as Nsfas, provides crucial financial assistance to students who want to further education at institutions of higher learning. Here's everything you should know about a Nsfas appeal, Nsfas' reconsideration offering.



The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Nsfas) offers the Nsfas bursary to prospective students who come from poor and working class background with Nsfas funding covering all student needs.

Funding from Nsfas is given to deserving students in order to ease the financial burden of their studies. However, not everybody will qualify for Nsfas or may lose their funding due to academic circumstances. 

If your Nsfas application is rejected, you may appeal in order to get your Nsfas online application reconsidered and funding instated. 

NSFAS Considerations When You Appeal

Below are the reasons Nsfas will consider if you appeal:

  • Failure to meet academic performance requirements
  • Change in financial circumstances 
  • Loss of bursary sponsor 
  • Incorrect academic results submitted which lead to non-renewal of funding

All the documentation needed to support your reasons must be certified by a commissioner of oaths. You can do this at a post office, police station and select pharmacies. 

Supporting Documents For An Appeal

You will need the following documentation when submitting an appeal form:

  • Name and Surname
  • ID Number
  • Application Reference Number 
  • Student Number
  • Course/Programme of Study
  • Institution Name
  • Date of Appeal
  • Year of Study

Nsfas appeals can be submitted on the Nsfas website. During the appeal process, Nsfas will give a list of possible situations and you will then need to choose. 

You will also need to indicate if you were previously funded by NSFAS and provide information of your current funding status.  


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If you need help with the NSFAS portal, MyNSFAS, then we are here to help. MyNSFAS is the way for students to stay in touch with the institution - and to stay on top of their studies. We have all the details for you.




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