Strategies That May Help You Get Promoted


Do you feel stuck in your current position? Are you looking for more of a challenge? Many people dream of getting a promotion throughout their working lives, but getting one is not as simple as it say sound. Here are some tips that may help you rise to the top.



The prospects of a higher position, better pay, a new office and greater benefits definitely sounds attractive, but it’s tough to climb the corporate ladder. However, if you want a job that excites and challenges you, as well as pays well, a promotion may be just what you need. In order to get a promotion, you need to be a patient team-player, while also being an ambitious self-promoter. Here are some top strategies to help you get there.

Work for a company that gives you room to grow

The type of company you work for can determine your potential for promotion. When applying for jobs, seek out companies with opportunities for advancement. You don’t have to work for a huge corporation to get a promotion, but you do want to work for a company that has enough going on that you can map out a career path there.

Practice self-promotion

We’re often taught that modesty is a virtue. However, this does not apply to job-hunting. If no one knows how great you are you simply won’t get ahead. If you’ve achieved major accomplishments or created award-winning programmes, make sure people know about them. Be sure to include these achievements on your CV or mention them in your job interview. Sell yourself and let it be known that you are seeking a promotion, and that you have what it takes to work your way to the top.

Acquire new knowledge and skills

It goes without saying that one of the best ways to succeed in getting a promotion is to expand your knowledge and skill set in areas that are critical to the organisation. If your expertise is in advertising, perhaps you could expand your knowledge by doing a sales and marketing course or even a leadership course. Also, as technology and other environmental forces change rapidly, you need an ever-increasing skill set not only to perform your job but to stay relevant. You should also not only keep current with your industry news and events but pay attention to trends and events outside your specialty. It is always beneficial to gain new skills and broaden your knowledge. If it doesn't get you the promotion, there's still a chance that adding it to your CV can help you when applying to other positions. 

Build your network

The more people know you, your strengths and abilities, your value to the organisation and your ambitions, the more likely your name will be discussed when opportunities arise. An added benefit of networking is that you’ll learn much more about the company if you network with people in other departments. 

Ask for more responsibilities

Volunteering to help out other departments or teams, or simply asking for more responsibilities increases your value within the organisation. Asking for more work shows your interest and desire to help your department and company to succeed. What’s more, you’ll be placing a spotlight on your value to the company.

Be a team player

Because so much of work is now accomplished through teams – departmental or cross-functional – it becomes even more important to share successes with your team and to avoid pointing your finger when there are failures. By being a team player, you will be building your reputation and boosting your value to the organisation.

Continue to excel in your current position, and don't seem dissatisfied with your current work. However, adopt these strategies to get your name out there and give yourself the best chance at a promotion.

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